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Anyone wanna UV map this saber


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hey everyone, im right now in the WIP of my Ulic Quel Droma sith saber, but unfortunatly am really busy and lazy at sometimes. So if anyone wants to take a look at my saber try lower the poly o**** and mabye even UV map it i will give you full credit. here are some pics.http://hstrial-cthompson2.homestead.com/Index.html

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UVW mapping is EASY, yes EASY. whats is simpliar than selecting polygons, and adding a modifier that practially does everything for. Hell for sabers you really don't have to worry to much about stretching, becasue its so small.


heres what your modifier list SHOULD look like



uvw modifier

mesh/poly/patch select

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take the splines shapes right, then make a NgON(should be a hexegon) then convert it to editable mesh. Now click on one of the mesh editing things(element, perferably not vetex)then click the object again and there are two options called extrude and bevel lower on the mesh editing panal. YOu should have some fun with those

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