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Twilek Magick Skin


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Darkhold, I get your point... Thought about it myself, but then the pearls would become kitschy I think, and I don't like to wear that :)

I'll take the bet she can be distinguished enough anyway, the figures on the drape lighten up when you play her, and I believe that in a CTF the teams have also the appropriate colour of saber, or am I wrong?

And yes, I heard that comment before that she looks like one of Jabba's dancers :)

Thanks for your replies...

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There's a mod that allows people to have whatever sabercolor they want on team games, because most team skins are obvious from all angles. So I agree; maybe change the color of her drape entirely, but you might want to consider doing something to make the team obvious from anywhere.

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Very nice looking skin!


I don't really get the preoccupation that most people have, that all players have to be either sith/jedi or mercs and that they have to use a lightsaber,... I'm more of the silent deadly type, hide in a bush and pick ya off with a sniper rifle.


Oh, and for red/blue team versions, what about changing the actual skin color?

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Unless it's fairly drastic though, JO's lighting seems to kill it though; and if it's fairly drastic, it might no longer resemble what he's going for. I know I've run into no end of problems making a skin due to the lighting affects.

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I know this skin isn't perfect :rolleyes: And once we find something we made perfect, we don't progress anymore... This is our first skin from scratch... I'm rather careful with strong shadows, since they make woman look like a man... And the lightning in JKII is indeed nasty...have you seen the other twileck models, they all have a white moustache in the light, I have been able to lessen it (but it still appears sometimes), but if I made it to dark, I run the risk of getting a dark moustache in the shadows... The same between the breasts, you can have a very dark or light spot there, depending where you are in a map, nothing I did was able to change that... But you can be sure of one thing: her bum ISN'T flat :D

So I hope to become better in the future... I'm just a beginner :)

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Originally posted by ALIEN_JL

About her skin..


It is Very FLAT/2D...



(you can see how her hand almost disappear in

to her stomach...)


Needs much stronger shadows (but smooth)


thats a picture in modview, and as you will know the program gives you a nice view off all the 'faults' if you can name it that...


but i have taken a bit of ingame shots so you can analyze them also :)


here we go ... hehe






I would like to search for Twilek sounds to incorporate them in the skin before i send it to JK2...

Anayone can help me on this quest? :)

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Originally posted by Naemka


thats a picture in modview, and as you will know the program gives you a nice view off all the 'faults' if you can name it that...


but i have taken a bit of ingame shots so you can analyze them also :)


here we go ... hehe





1. It IS better ingame




2. Skin - (too low contrast - too weak shadows)


3. Skin - (simply too bright... looks like it would be selfilluminating)

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The skin is tested in duelmode, when you get that bright light around you...it's not too bright! The only thing that is selfilluminative is the design on the drape, and that's cool :cool:

The point about too low contrasts is a case of own preferences... I find too many female skins are looking too male, because of their dark shadowing.

And there's also something like style...

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