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"And they say that a hero can save us, but Kyle is getting too old...."

Revan Bakr'

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If you chose the light side in Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight, the true ending, then you fight and kill Sariss. If you choose the dark side, she chickens out and becomes Kyle's servant. I thought that the dark side ending sucked, but hey, what are you going to do?

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Originally posted by Darth Lunatic

I think Kyles adventures should end. Time to bring in a fresh new character, possibly set in the prequel trilogy era or before it.


Is there any news on an expansion? Anywhere?!


long time no post, my feelings exactly, because Kyles adventures are starting to get stale, plus the prequel era will provide new sceenary for change, plus during the era of jedi the battles story will have a different flow

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How about a prequel series with Morgan Katarn? It would be a change of scenery for those tired of playing as Kyle, but would still keep it with the Dark Forces series, since Morgan is a Katarn. The Dark Forces series has always been about Kyle Katarn, and it wouldn't feel right if the game didn't revovle around a Katarn. How about a prequel about Kyle's time serving the Empire, and how he got out of it? No lightsaber, but I think it would still be fun.

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Any future Jedi Knight games will pit Kyle against the Yuuzhan Vong. Why? Well, it's where Kyle's story is, (And it's the most current report i've seen. Got it from the "new revised Star Wars character profiles") or something along those lines. the rest is, understandably, Conjecture, but should at least help to see where Kyle will be going next... if it's even Kyle!



well, According to the EU, after defeating Desann and returning from his vacation with Jan, Kyle worked to regain the unbelievable force abilities he had while fighting Jerec. (The force abilities he used against Desann were peanuts.) After some time, Kyle settled and became a combat instructor at the Jedi academy and trained many young jedi knights...


... and when the Yuuzhan Vong invasion began, Some of these same students answered calls to the front, and fought the Yuuzhan Vong bravely upon Ithor, Obroa-Skai, and some other planet i can't remember... Kyle's Jedi students fought bravely on those systems, and each died, since the Yuuzhan Vong took all of those systems. With the death of his own students, Kyle is afraid that the YV will succeed at what Jerec had intended to do-- destroy the Jedi Knights.


Kyle is beginning to lose hope that the Jedi will emerge victorious...



Sounds like next time will be payback time to me, folks... At least it gives Jedi Knight III a new story... One of serious revenge.

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You guys may want a new hero, but it may kill Jedi Knight.

Any time someone tries to replace some thing that is at the core they almost always kill it. You mainly take out the heart and *poof* the game is dead. Same goes with tv take a look at these shows that got kill.


The X-files went down hill when they took Molder out.


A show named Sliders that was on Sci-Fi was killed after the main person (Quin) was gone.


The Pretender was gone when that messed with Jerod's personality.


So a spin off would be a better way. Because if the people that liked Kyle stop buying the game and all of them were about 47% that is about $7,546,897 dollar gone for Lucas arts!

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The "True Force" as i call it, has been underlying Star Wars for the longest time, but has only been recently revealed (and only a little bit) through Jacen Solo in the latest New Jedi Order book, "Traitor". Spoilers will ensue...



Basically, the "True Force" is part of everything together. However, there is NO "Light side" or "Dark Side" to it. The primary difference is that "Light Side" powers are derived from the Force, while "Dark Side" Powers are derived from within the forcewielder.


Long Long before Yoda or even Exar Kun, probably around the beginning of the Jedi, The Jedi themselves created the distinction of "Light" and "Dark" sides to the force. They did this So they could have better control over it's use. Maybe their intentions were good, (Since the Force Within is always muddled by emotions) but every single Jedi that has come afterwards has grown up using the force with the wrong mindset, never using it to it's full extent.


So, to answer your query, Neither Exar Kun nor Yoda used the "True Force" but merely used an aspect of it... Mostly because of what they were taught. I'm pretty sure that there has never been a single Jedi that has tapped into the full extent of the True Force; The Unifying Force.


The NJO Jedi actually have pretty much figured it out. Kyp Durron believes in the power of the Force Within, while Luke Believes in the Binding Force. Problem is, neither of those guys has figured that BOTH of their ideas, working side by side, is the Force as it has always been.



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Originally posted by TheWhiteRaider

You guys may want a new hero, but it may kill Jedi Knight.

Any time someone tries to replace some thing that is at the core they almost always kill it. You mainly take out the heart and *poof* the game is dead. Same goes with tv take a look at these shows that got kill.


The X-files went down hill when they took Molder out.


A show named Sliders that was on Sci-Fi was killed after the main person (Quin) was gone.


The Pretender was gone when that messed with Jerod's personality.


So a spin off would be a better way. Because if the people that liked Kyle stop buying the game and all of them were about 47% that is about $7,546,897 dollar gone for Lucas arts!


I think it worked for MGS2 (Raiden), it's still in the top 3 in gamefaqs

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Well, it wasn't so bad because at least Solid was still in the game, (and didn't die in the end or something cheesy like that.) Moreso, Raiden was actually a decent hero in his own right. The only problem was that he had too many problems. (kinda ironic.)


It's doable, though, certainly... a new Jedi Knight that Kyle taught when he joined the academy.

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I think the only reason Kyle is considered old is because of the Marvel-stylee grey band of hair they gave him for MotS. You can still kinda see it in JK2, but they've toned it down (probably with some George Lucas style Computer Generated Just for Men tm). There's little enough _real_ characterisation in computer games as it is -- I say keep Kyle, and spin an interesting yarn about Jan out to show his loving side. The guy is _just_ beginning to get some depth - don't cut that off now! Embelish it a little. All he _really_ needs are some DECENT DAMNED LINES that don't make him sound like a stereotypical computer game hero. If LucasArts want someone to script JK3 properly (ie without all the "Hmmmm... a _code_.... what the...?" crap), they only have to ask...

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Sounds like this "True Force" is just more EU crap. :p Lucas has always stated that the Force has a light and a dark side like all living creatures.


As for the subject matter, I don't believe that Dark Forces games have to have Kyle in them. It's all about Star Wars in general. Can you honestly say you won't buy JK3 if Kyle isn't in it?

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Well, Razorace, you were right. My theory and what the book said about the true force was quite wrong. It was just a sack of crap fed to Jacen Solo to turn him over to the Dark side, and it worked. After being completely fooled by Vergere and her projecting images of Anakin into his mind, Jacen now works with the Yuuzhan Vong as a traitor to the jedi order.

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Interesting, I thought the Yuuzhan Vong hated ALL force users. My theory about the Vong's Force "Void" is that the "Force" is a localized energy field / genetic trait in the Star Wars galaxy. All creatures that evolved outside the Star Wars galaxy don't have that trait and therefore are an alien object to the Force.


EDIT: But then, I think the NJO is just a bunch of non-canon Star Wars hype. :) The books totally jumped the shark in the Jedi Academy Trilogy.

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