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Tolkien-ish mod - she-elf WIP


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Hey all.


I'm working on a mod called Journey into the Dark ( http://jitd.rtcwfiles.com/Navieng.htm ) I'm currently modelling a she-elf ( http://www.geocities.com/headkingpin/ ) and am having troubles figuring out how to weight the hair so it moves like Lara Croft's ponytail.


Tim "SpaceMonkey" Appleby is also on the team, but I haven't been able to chat with him much. This is my first attempt at 3D modelling, but I've been an artist my whole life.


(LOL, I posted on the Mara Jade topic, and was accused of pimping LMAO, so here it is)


Thanks for any help; and BTW, the current polycount is listed as part of the Gmax name (2262 now).

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Very freakin nice model. A good Lotr-ish mod would be quite cool. As for weighting the hair, I don't think it's possible to have it move as realistically as in tomb raider, just because there's no animation included for it. Unless Raven releases another skeleton that includes "hair bones", you'd probably be best off weighting it to appear as it looks now all the time.

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Originally posted by Frumpus

Thanks, yokel!


That would REALLY suck to hear the hair can't be the way I envision it. :((


I hope there's a way to get it looking . . er. . "unstarched". . . . same goes for her "skirt/cape"


Well, there might be a way....


Very recently SilentMobius discovered that you can make new GLAs by running an XSI model with animation frames through Assimilate.


Making a whole new .gla would be very time consuming (you would have to redo all the animations Raven already did just to make the hair move!). SilentMobius said that with some tinkering and "programming tricks" (SilentMobius' word) you can put in the new animations you made into the existing _humanoid.gla. Unfortunately this is out of our scope for the moment - we will have to wait and see.


Don't assume your idea is impossible, but it's not going to be very easy....

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so you're saying just to get the hair to move around, you would have to redo every animation? (i heard that there are 300 some odd animations for saber combat alone)


or could this be a way to make new animations as well?


anyway, sweet job on the model. best of luck to your project. (why havent there been any fantasy/medivial games with as good of sword play as jk2? or have i just missed them?)

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What I would recommend is weighting the top part of the hair to the head, then as you go down the hair, start to weight it more and more to the clavicles, but don't completely weight the ends to them, make it say around 0.8-0.9.


Then slightly weight (0.1-0.2) the lower parts of the hair to the arms, this should give it a little bit of movement, that will help it make it look not so static. Basically just experiment end see what happens.

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Thanks all.


Major Clod, Re: weighting the hair:


Will there be clipping problems with your suggestion? i.e. . . .if the hair bounces down, will it "dip" into the shoulders and clavicles? That was my main concern. (LOL, also I've NEVER done this before, so I have a lot to learn even before I GET to the weighting part.)

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If you weight the parts of the hair that are near the clavicals and back, almost completely to them, you should not get any clipping, so long as you leave some room between the hair and the back at the neutral stance. If its weighted slightly to the head, it should move a little, but not enough to clip.

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Originally posted by Artic Blade

so you're saying just to get the hair to move around, you would have to redo every animation? (i heard that there are 300 some odd animations for saber combat alone)


Exactly that, however SilentMobius says that he could merge the two different .GLAs into one and make it use the new animations....


BTW Frumpus, how do you expect to get your model ingame if it's made in GMAX???

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Hmm, GMax HAS quite a few scripts written for it (i.e. import/export md3, etc. .), but I also have Milkshape and 3DS Max.. . . .I just started to make the model in GMax because that's what I had installed. (I've never used any of them before - I didn't know which would work best :)


Here's just a couple pages I know of:







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Thanks, Remark. The hands WERE too small, I think.


The model has seen many tweaks in the last few days, though, to look at her, you'd probably just see that's she's a bit more "stretched" - she looked a bit too "human" and "squat" to me; ethereal and lithe was what I'm going for. I'll try to get a link posted (but I know NOTHING about webpages - tried to get one working on geocities/angelfire. . .something like that, and it just wouldn't work. My buddy made the one above for me).


OK. I'm about finished the (high LOD) model, but I'm not sure which phase comes next: (REMEMBER, I'VE NEVER MODELLED BEFORE)

1. delete the "instance mirror"; make a "copy"; weld the two halves, and begin to add Asymmetrical "details"?


OR 2. add bones? (I've had alot of problems importing the root.xsi file for jan/trainer/etc. into milkshape. . . then importing it as a "3ds"? file into Gmax. It was wacked! (wierd vertices, looks er. ."flakey/peeling", and I can't see the bones.)


OR 3. "cap" the different segments (i.e. hands, arms, head, torso, legs, hips)


OR 4. UVmap? (doesn't this come when the model is TOTALLY done?)


OR 5. ?? dunno?


I've read SpaceMonkey's tutorial, and I wish I had started with bones FIRST. I know there's probably a few different ways to do it.


Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.

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Frumpus, Nice Model!!!


Try this little trick i learned from SpaceMonkey. Weight the upper part of the hair to the head, ant as it passes her shoulders, lightly weight it to the arms. If its thick enough and a bit away from the body, you'll have hair that bounces with the arm strokes. It may work, though I've only seen it on Spacemonkeys Aayla models thus far..................

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Hey all.


I've been at a standstill with this mod for a while. Didn't have much luck with replies/suggestions about the next step.


On JackNeil's recommendation, I decided to weld the two halves, and start the "Asymmetrical details" (especially on the hair.


Oh yeah. In my downtime, I began work on a goblin head. Tell me what you think: http://jitd.fragland.net/php/upload/kram/July%2025%20elf%20&%20goblin.jpg


EDIT**:The Goblin I started yesterday:http://jitd.fragland.net/php/upload/kram/gob1504.jpg

(WAY over my my target of 1000 polys though - 1504 polys)



Here's the new link to the Journey Into The Dark Website. There are a few new models up too: http://jitd.fragland.net/


BTW, we're in need of some more modellers, and some skinners, and praps some peeps to do voices later on (including female voice talent). Any that would like to join, give me a Private Message.

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I pulled, twisted, tweaked, and turned the original goblin, and came up with two more **EDIT( these are around 1400-1500 polys each - for the highest LOD; gonna be alot of these little critters on screen at one time!)





I really need some help with the next step. Modelling is now a breeze, but still not sure what's next.

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Whoa whoa whoa, how the hell did this thread slip to page 3?! Everything is looking so freakin awsome, I really hope you get these models up and in game soon. I'd be glad to skin for your mod, but I need to finish my current project first ::coughjedicorranhornwipintheskinningforumcough:: Perhaps you'll hear from me in about a month :)

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