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Has anyone heard anything about a JKII Expansion pack release yet??

Bird Of Prey!

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I'm hoping that Lucasarts plans on releasing an Expansion pack for JKII with new maps and characters. I'm getting tired of playing the same maps over and over again. I could play through the FFA and CTF maps in my sleep.


I've D/Led some 3rd party maps but the bots don't work right and those who don't have the maps you have has to wait a while to D/L them. Anexpansion disk would solve both of these problems.

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Yeah I hope they do addon, the game is a winner. Best SP game I ever played. I like see more saber style like duelsabers and duelblade. Also another great SinglePlayer game with maybe Tavion coming back as a sith master to get kyle. Now that will cool. :rolleyes:

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Yea, that way they could completely re-balance multiplayer from the ground up, because obviously, this whole patch thing really isn’t working very well. I think they just need to start over with multiplayer balancing.


I also think it would be cool if they would also open up a few door in Single Player moding, at the very least, let us add new saber colors and the like without replacing any of the current ones.

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Yeah and when Tavion shows up at first she could tell Kyle she is sorry for the hell she put him through and they could have a cutscene where she takes him into a small room and gives him the best ForceSex he ever had in his life......

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Originally posted by Absurd

I woudn't buy it.


The lack of support for the original already tells me they wouldn't patch it enough and probably nerf it to oblivion.



I don't see what you want with this statement. First you say they would not patch enough? Then you say that they would nerf it into oblivion.


Why do you want more patches, if you know that the patches lead to nerfing?

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an idea:


tavion goes to the jedi academy to be trained in the light side of the force, but the dark side is still too strong in her, she would be send on a mission to *the sith planet wich name i don't remember* but is overwhelmed by the dark side, she gets a sith spirit in her, but doesn't notice it, then most of the times she can be normal light side, but when she gets mad (becouse of bosses), the spirit takes over and she gets really great dark side powers, after a while, luke finds out, and askes kyle for help, together they try top stop tavion (wich is you) but you win and kyle and luke run. they look into a jedi holocron (recently found on kashyyykk, somewhere deep down) they find the solution, and bust the sith spirit out off tavion, the spirit attacks luke and kyle, and the fight it, tavion can choose to join the spirit (dark side) or luke and kyle (light side)


any thoughts about it?

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Originally posted by FatalStrike



I don't see what you want with this statement. First you say they would not patch enough? Then you say that they would nerf it into oblivion.


Why do you want more patches, if you know that the patches lead to nerfing?


It's exactly what happened and will happen.

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