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Blue Uppercut and kick too powerful?

Jah Warrior

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As many of you guys have, I looked forward to 1.04 with great anticipation. I wrongly assumed that raven would actually listen to some of the suggestions being made in these forums.


Kick is WAAAY too powerful, as is the Blue Uppercut/Lunge. Ive noticed on the no force duel servers there is now a tendency for peole to just crouch at all times and go for the uppercut.


Some how i got 1 hit killed from a blue lunge the otherday, this shouldnt be possible.


All is not lost, I put the DUEL-SE mod back in my servers base folder and found that it works with 1.04 as well.


If you do not know what Duel SE is its a mod that allows you to tweak the amount of damage that each swing or attack does.


We now run our server with only 1 hp damage for a kick and only a 1 in 10 chance of a knock down from a kick. We also set the blue uppercut to do the same damage as a normal blue swing. Basicly this gives less incentive to crouch at all times and to spam kicks.


All our regulars, there are at least 30+ of them love this mod as it makes the games even and when you have a couple of good players the matches can last some time, which is always a pleasure to see.


This may not be ideal for everyone but for no force duels especially i can not recommend this mod enough. Even if only to allow Jump level 3 with out the lamer aspect. It opens the maps up a whole heap.


Anyways if this info can help anyone who has been thinking the same things as we have - cool.

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You posted this in "the valley of the Jedi" and I answered your anti-skill post there.


Please stop spreading the lie that if every move is weak competition is better. Weakness when added to high defense turn competition into a game of chance. Power when added to a defense (that you actually have to think to use) breads skill.


This logic of your is reponsible for the popularity of this game dropping.

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I agree. one post is enough.



Blue lunge isn't over-powered either. It takes 5 lunges to kill an afk if you hit them right on.



See, it's people like you that need to re-think things over. Your idea of "fixing things" things is to remove them. Start thinking of a new counter, or a new idea.


Oh yes, that's what made games fail...the developers removing things, instead of actually fixing them. Dark Age of Nerfalot anyone? They REMOVED PEOPLE's CLASSES instead of fixing them for crying out loud...and didn't give ANYTHING back.

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Ok. Please stop. I mean it. No more. Fatalstrike is dead on. You whiners have moaned so much you've turned the saber into a flashlight. You guys have totally nixed this weapon in CTF. I now have my saber offense and defense set to 1 and the only reason for that is to be able to kick and have a weapon of last resort. Duel - all that has become is a game of "who can get the most hacks in".


You folks make me feeling like puking. Enuff already.

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