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Where are the decent v1.04 FF duel players hiding?

Homosexual Ewok

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If v1.04 takes more skill, where the Hell are the "skilled" players?


Seriously, in v1.03 I fought some incredibly fast and smart opponents in Full Force duels.


Now it's nothing but idiots who keep trying to do the same damn "DFA from a mile away" crap and are too stupid to realize that every time they land I will (once again) kick them in the ass.


Seriously, what happened?

Nearly every single opponent I have played since going to this patch has been a complete and utter moron who attempts, and fails, the same stupid nonsense over and over.


It has to be one of 3 things.


1-All the decent players stayed on v1.03.


2-All the decent players are hiding on a locked server.


3-People are so dependant on those "1 hit kills" that they will play like total morons and do anything, no matter how mindless, in an attempt to land one. And in turn, I greatly misjudged the "skill level" of these people before.


I'm not trying to brag or talk trash, but honestly since going to this patch I have not had one single match where my opponent gave me even the slightest hint of a challenge.


It's almost like something was "put in the water" these people drink.


I know I am not the only one who has noticed a MAJOR decline in the cleverness and resourcefulness of the average v1.04 player.


The main server I play on is the Quakesh!t v1.04 FF duel server. It is a high traffic server, quite popular, and almost always full.

You would think by now a few decent guys would have come through...

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well, when my clan members are on our full force server...we have some pretty intense fights....



your not the only one that's noticed this though, whenever i go on that server and there's only non-clan members......i kick everybody's ass, no trouble at all....kind of like last night...one guy repeated pull kick, the others spammed lightning or swinged like crazy or whatever

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Couldn't agree more Ewok. I'm not the best player out there but used to have great fights on 1.03. Now with the new patch, all you seem to get is peeps lunging about like lunatics.


It gets boring after a while.


Because I can't practice enough, I used to rely on my guile and swift thinking (honest, not pretentious crap) but some noob who figures the DFA move thinks he's great. I've witnessed one 'superb' duelist do the move up to ten times in a row. I mean, c'mon!


Patches are supposed to improve but the Dev team or whoever @ Raven seem to veer from one extreme to the other in the search for 'balance'. LOL!


When you kick them, dude, do they moan about kicking? I bet they do, the f*ckwits...


A lot of players are becoming lazy, all for the sake of a kill.

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> all you seem to get is peeps lunging about like

> lunatics. It gets boring after a while.


lol, and thus it begins, the lunge spammers are born and identified.


Thus beginning a new crusade of people begging raven to nerf lunge so it can no longer be spammed, much like people did for DFA, and much like people did for backstab.


give it up people, seriously.


Every person that whines about someone else's tactics isn't really whining about the tactic.. they're whining that they lost the fight. Pick up your ego, get back on your feet, and learn how to beat them.


I manage to do okay, even though I still lose a lot of fights. And when I do lose, you can guarantee the first thing I do is NOT come here and moan about such and such tactic.

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Couldn't agree more Ewok. I'm not the best player out there but used to have great fights on 1.03. Now with the new patch, all you seem to get is peeps lunging about like lunatics.


It gets boring after a while.


Because I can't practice enough, I used to rely on my guile and swift thinking (honest, not pretentious crap) but some noob who figures the DFA move thinks he's great. I've witnessed one 'superb' duelist do the move up to ten times in a row. I mean, c'mon!


Patches are supposed to improve but the Dev team or whoever @ Raven seem to veer from one extreme to the other in the search for 'balance'. LOL!


When you kick them, dude, do they moan about kicking? I bet they do, the f*ckwits...


A lot of players are becoming lazy, all for the sake of a kill.

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Hehe. Of course Raven aren't going to be able please everyone. I've seen off my fair share of lungers and I'm not really moaning about the fact I've lost my fair share against them too.


If there's any crusade to have, I'd say that a mod where virtually any hit with the saber kills. I seem to recall that this is a weapon that goes though metal like a blow torch through butter.


Would make for fast and furious fights - hopefully upping the *overall* skill factor.

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I'm glad you guys got the point I was trying to make.


I could care less what people use to win, DFA, backstab, a Buick and a Tech-9, it's just the overall lack of thought of when to and when not to use these moves that I can't help but notice.


The overall skill level, or better yet, the ability to think up more than one plan of attack and implement it on the fly, seems to have been lost with the majority of v1.04 FF duel players.


I don't get it.

Even the "Pull/backstab whores" of v1.03 (I hate those terms BTW) would surprise me now and then with something unexpected.


I really don't care if my opponent does the same thing over and over; I mean he's trying to win just like me right?


It's when that same thing fails over and over that I am thinking the little light bulb will flick on over his head and tell him "maybe this is not a good idea".


I'm pretty borderline about going back to v1.03, if for no other reason than beating these people is even less exciting than playing the bots.

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Ewok, leelink posted a thread a few nights ago stating that now that there is no such thing as a one hit wonder, people will fight, then run away when their health is low and heal. FF duels are impossible now without some sort of saber lethality, like your sig dictates.


I play on an FFA server and only duel, that and play n00b protector/basher.

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I dont really think its a 1.04 problem.

I played on 1.03a+ for ages and it was fine.

I think people realised DFA was the only 1 hit kill after 1.04 came out and now rely on it too much.

I agree though, the good duels I've had recently have been with people I knew anyway.

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