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Mace Windu and Obi Wan Padawan Hilts finished.


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I don't know if I am going to upload them right now or not. I was thinking about making a giant lightsaber pack with all of the lightsabers from Star Wars. I might just realease them one by one though.


I think I'll upload these two for download to Geocities and send them to jediknightii.net

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yes the Obi-Wan saber hilt is not that correct, sry man, but i have to agree. I have a resin replica of the Obi saber so im very farmilar with it. And thw Mace hilt looks absolutly awsome, it would be better if u made them have more of a metal look, use shaders or what ever modlers call it. ;)

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Niether can I. I don't understand why people use Geocities to link files. Its just plain stupidity if you ask me. Why is it that people can master modeling but when it comes to simple website/internet use they dont get the message through their heads that GEOCITIES BLOWS!

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Kit Fisto: Thank you for visiting my thread.


I have happily removed those geocities download links that make me so stupid. If you decide to be a big boy, maybe you can download them from Jedi Knight ii.net when they get around to posting them.


Which ever one of you said that you had a resin replica of Obi Wan's saber, well, do you have a scanner or a digital camera? I think you know where I'm going with this. If I can find any good reference pictures, I will do all I can to make it accurate, but as it is, there are not many that I can find.


Then again, when it comes to the internet, I'm stupid aren't I?

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It wasnt targeted just at you, it was targeted at the internet using public in general. Geocities is just plain crap. Im sure your models are great, but because you fell into the trap that is Geocities I cant tell because the links dont work.


It wasnt meant to be insulting (sorry), I just hate it when I cant access peoples work due to dodgy hosts like geocities. And btw, cutting and pasting/removing the http:// doesnt work. Something has happened to the files.

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Why must I be forced to say this so darned often, the Ep1 and Ep2 sabres are NOT the same, there are minute differences.

Hey Chrono, you interested in unwrapping an obi-wan sabre I made, its way accurate, just a wee too hard for me to do it without getting frustrated and burning my computer...

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Yes, they are NOT the same sabers, EP2 and EP1 hilts have small diffeneces, but i dont think it is something u would ntoice while ur playing. i dont think some one would stop and say "hey this saber looks metal ot me, awwww man this isn't the EP2 saber, its not more chrom looking! im gonna have to bust a cap now!"

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