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Can you hear me now?

D@rth M@ul

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Do we know yet how it will work, or if there will be any.


I have been reading the faqs and I do not think I have come

across this topic. Maybe they mentioned so nonchalantly that

I did not pick up on it.


I hope it will be typing and not microphone, since my backround

is not in the MMORPG area, Im sort of clueless.


Also I hope some type of restrictions will be in place to prevent

spammers and what not.


But share your opinions or if you know the answer, please feel

free to inform me.

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Well, the most usual protection against spammers in a MMORPG are to have


A) separate channels. You can start a chat channel with one person, or several, you PA, your group, whatever. Only the selected players will be seen in your chat window.


B) an ignore list. Not so good as the channels, since noone cares to mark all 100000 spammers as 'ignore'.


Other than that, well, there's no worse place when it comes to spamming than a MMORPG. It's one of those ugly sides you have to live with.



EDIT: And oh, it will be typing. Since quite few have a microphone at all. And typing works better. The question is whether microphones will be incorporated or not. Right now, i would guess it's a 85% chance that it won't.

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Originally posted by setsuko

Well, the most usual protection against spammers in a MMORPG are to have


A) separate channels. You can start a chat channel with one person, or several, you PA, your group, whatever. Only the selected players will be seen in your chat window.


B) an ignore list. Not so good as the channels, since noone cares to mark all 100000 spammers as 'ignore'.


Other than that, well, there's no worse place when it comes to spamming than a MMORPG. It's one of those ugly sides you have to live with.



EDIT: And oh, it will be typing. Since quite few have a microphone at all. And typing works better. The question is whether microphones will be incorporated or not. Right now, i would guess it's a 85% chance that it won't.


Thanks for your input. I believe your right.


Maybe a third-party will come along and incorporate the microphone

into SWG, but I don't mind typing.

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i 4get where i read it, but i believe that i heard that they would incorporate a sort of proximity typed thing...so that when closer to other characters, you would be able 2 hear them, or see what they type, & not when they are far away...this would probly require importing a sort of telephone system in the game tho. is there any truth in that whatsoever?

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Sorry, but if you are going to start with a line from their commercials, I get to rant about the crappy service they have been providing me and everyone else here at work. Non-stop billing problems, dropped calls, echos. And absolutely no help from customer service. They are complete crap.

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