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The MOSt LAME thing to do in duel


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I keep getting killed and recieveing this message 'player1 delievered a swift kick to my face' and I died.

That player first kicks me, I fall to the ground. Then stands backwards facing me and then use the back attack move.

I couldn't do anything. This type of people sucks :mad:

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Ummm....that was hardly lame.


Lame is something like type-killing


* a DFA in the neck of a guy who is bowing


* using the type-icon to make people think you're not a threat and kill them when they pass by


* using the beforementioned trick just to get your force bar filled


* attacking saber down when you're on a "saber down=peace" server


* spamming in general is lame


* waiting for a duel to end with a flechette ready



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Here's my list:


-People who lop off your head with a lunge/yellow finisher just as the duel begins. Come on... don't you want to bow? :rolleyes:

-DFA, DFA, DFA. Sure, I just kill them, but yawwwwwn, where's the fun in this duel? :lol:

-Any time you have to "brb" in a duel, and they decide to maim you for it with their saber. badassbuddy_com-maimbuddy.gif

-Folks who don't understand what the duel key is. Oh look, he's taunting me and asking for a duel.... that means I should forcefeed him my saber! :rolleyes:

-Folks who "bunny hop" when they're low on life. Come on, you're already dead. Least you can do is make my job a bit easier. :rolleyes:

-Players that feed you 50 ammo from any gun in the game while you're saying "gf."


And stuff I'm glad they got rid off:

-Mid air lunge abuse. Good, so that's the only move you know. Can I kill you now? :)

-Backstab kiddies (scripts are optional). Oh wow, my opponent has 14 life to my 100/58, yet he can still easily win. Lovely... :rolleyes:

-Throwing Contests. Okay, this is more of a personal gripe since I never buy saber throw, but when I'm down by 180 health/shield due to throw spam in a duel there's something wrong there.... it is a duel, after all, not "Mercen4ry has challenged you to a throw fest." :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

Ummm....that was hardly lame.


Lame is something like type-killing


* a DFA in the neck of a guy who is bowing


* using the type-icon to make people think you're not a threat and kill them when they pass by


* using the beforementioned trick just to get your force bar filled


* attacking saber down when you're on a "saber down=peace" server


* spamming in general is lame


* waiting for a duel to end with a flechette ready




I fought a guy yesterday who whined so much when he got killed, "I can kill you too with red stance", but he couldn't so the next duel he attacked me as I bowed... got me down to 69 health. Being a bad looser or winner is the lamest of all.


If someone type and attack me as I pass by I will kill them everytime I see them typing. And if someone starts typing in the middle of a fight I kill them anyway.

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Typing mid fight isn't my concern - it's when I say "brb" in the message box and THEN leave the chat box up. Times like these make me actually like autoblock when the enemy wants to be an impatient tard, but in general it's a bad idea to hit the chat box in a duel. :rolleyes:

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The most lame thing huh?


Dying from the same attack over and over.


Seriously, the lamest thing is the duel bump bug.


Basically you can let your opponent kill you and stay in the match by bumping them into spec mode, as if they had lost.


It is very easy to do actually. I am not going to tell everyone how for obvious reasons, but if you want to see it, just go to the QuakeSh!t v1.04 FF duel server and beat the Hell out of a player named FluFFY (a very easy kill BTW, sorry FluFFY, but you do suck) who is always there.


She gets frustrated and bumps everyone who beats her back into spec mode.

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Bah Typing isn't bad. You people need to lighten up.



What I hate are whiners ingeneral. They'll lose and it'll be that their mom yelled at them, they felt a soft summers breeze, or my obvious lack of skill that they lost. Not the fact that in that perticular fight I was better then they were, nor that they left obvious gaps in their defence, missed on several special moves and left an opening, or that its very easy to plow through someone crouching in blue stance with a heavy downcut. They find a way and if they win using anyof the methods alrdy its just because they showing u how lame it is.




Also I can say is...Welcome to v1.4 nf duels...No uber-moves to hide behind...Just fight and may the best man(Or for the ladies, woman) win. There's no 1 hit kill backstabs and if you get killed by a heavy or medium dfa its your own damned fault. Play and have fun, but if your not having fun find another damned game!



[/rant about whiners (As if there arn't enough of those here)]

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Everything is lame.

You are lame.

I am lame.

Breathing air is lame.

Making threads on forums is lame.

Responding to those threads is also lame.

Typing on the keyboard is lame.

If you read this you are lame.

If you dont read it, you are lame.

Yes, this means you...lamer.


This is the most pointless thread ever.


I figured I should post a reply that is equally pointless to match you. kthxbye.

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