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Clans? Good or Bad

Poll Cat

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Hey readers,

I've been talking to a lot of people on jk2 online lately and there seems to be mixed feelings about the presence of clans online.

I think clans are great although they don't server as great of a purpose as in games like Delta Force where u can increase ur ranking and joining a clan is necessary 4 success.

I want to know the general jk2 publics opinion on Clans.

If ur currently part of one, why do u like it?


If ur a newbie, what is ur opinion of the guys that team up and gangbang u?:mob: lol


Any opinions are welcome here!


I personally belong to a newly formed clan called the <(MIK)> Masters in Killing.

We have 4 curent members and we are searching for new players to join our group.

A little bit of experience is required, and honorable fighting etiquette is a must.

Heck, theres probably tons of u who can kick our butts, but dont let that stop u.

If ur interested in helping a fast growing clan,drop me a line at my email address, KEYMAN01@NWLINK.COM (YEs it is in caps)


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I like being part of a clan, you get to play with the same people and get to know them as fellow clanm8s.

The clan im in doesnt gang bang anyone (except for me :D )

it ends up me being on the other team fighting off all my clan m8s, but i like it tho cus my clans got some of the best players that ive played, and you only get better when playing the better man.

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I was in a clan once and to be honest the over competitiveness took away from the fun for me at least, i just wanted to play for fun and ended up getting criticized for using the blue spining move (not backstab)


As an admin of a server i do notice a trend and that is that clan players cause more problems than players that are not clan associated. They do tend to use the easy kills rather than having a good fight which is the sole purpose of my server. I always watch clan players very carefully when they join the server based on past experience. I think the real problem is that some clan players take it far too seriously, all they want is to win, that is how they have their fun.


The other point is that clan players are in general a lot younger i notice and it comes across loud and clear in the things they say and do. However not all clan players are children and i do not wish to say that ALL clan players are a pain in the neck, I'm sure there must be one or two out there who aren't annoying. j/k hehe


I suppose I'll be flamed for saying this but they are observations not opinions and until i see otherwise this is all i have to go by.

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Well, to be honest, clans can be good, clans can be fun....


... and clans can also be a huge pain in the ass and a total waste of time.


Take it from me, who has seen the good, the bad, and the ugly over a slew of games ranging from Worms and Halflife to games like Diablo 2 and Tribes 2. Clans in general are there for competitive purposes, and as a result, they tend to draw the younger folks in like a magnet. But this is not always the case. Some clans / tribes / guilds (depending on the game you prefer) can come off as a total blast to be with and less competitive, if you prefer. Case and point? My clan, Sneaky Buffalo (odd name, good group of people). The competitive part is there in a comradery sense, but we have no flamers or folks that act like they're 3 1/2 inside.


It all depends on the clan. Let's not steriotype things here; those usually lead to really poor decisions. :rolleyes:

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Young ones can sometimes see things we can not, ofcourse maybe little kids that are training to become jedi arent so immature, its just that their minds are too under developed in the areas of speech and actiob, as in they do things and think never. It is the same as shoot first and ask questions later, except without the questions part.

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Originally posted by CagedCrado

Young ones can sometimes see things we can not, ofcourse maybe little kids that are training to become jedi arent so immature, its just that their minds are too under developed in the areas of speech and actiob, as in they do things and think never. It is the same as shoot first and ask questions later, except without the questions part.


true very true a wise man indeed

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