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New Resolution


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Does anyone know how to adjust the in-game resolution for GF, to make it look a little sharper? Even with accelerated graphics, it can get pretty grainy where depth is concerned. Surely there is a config file of some sort that controls the resolution? Increased res. would make for better quality screenshots.

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Originally posted by Metallus

Yeah, Escape From MI is the same way. It's kind of frustrating, actually.


Well, every game with pre-rendered backgrounds is that way, right down to Syberia.


And, Gendo, do you by chance mean 'jaggy' when you say 'grainy'? If so, the only thing that will help that is antialiasing. What kind of video card do you have?

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And the TNT2 can't antialias. I should know because I have one. But I plan to upgrade soon. :p Antialiasing is supposed to really improve the appearance of 3D models in games like GF. I hear it makes the models in Syberia really blend well into the backgrounds, like they're part of them rather than superimposed.

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  • 10 months later...

Wow! It's almost a year later and I have exactly same need to smooth out those jagged edges, but unlike in EMI which understandably uses same engine(even though enhanced version), there's no visual change in GF if I enable antialiasing. I have patched up the game and even tried to play it with 16 bit colour depth as was recommended, but no effect.


BTW, I have Radeon 9700 Pro and am using WinXP with DirectX 9.0a.

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