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SithLord-II *Please Read*


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First, please forgive me for starting a new thread, but I wanted to convey a message to SithLord-II and the whole team working on the Yoda model.


I have followed your work SithLord-II. Your Vader is simply fantastic! Your other models also are a work of someone who really cares and enjoys his work. In this day and age, that is a breath of fresh air!


To come to the point. I have followed the WIP-Yoda thread every day, reading every post. Not once have I posted for I did not want to bother you in any way. So that you could concentrate your efforts, I remained in the background, following your's and other's model works.


Yes, you have been flamed! Yes, ppl have whinned, and moaned and groaned, and gimme, gimme, gimme. Yes, hard work has been stolen! Unfortunately, that comes with life in anything we do.


However, the most rewarding things in life, never, NEVER, come easy! I can understand your pain and wanting to "throw the towel in," so to speak.


SithLord-II ---- I have terminal cancer. I have enjoyed so much playing JKII with your models, especially Vader! It's a way for me to escape my upcoming reality, if only for a little while. I was looking so much to be able to play and pretend to be Yoda. I ask that you reconsider and continue your awe inspiring work for the many of us that are in the background. We are here, standing behind you all the way.


I hope to see you back soon SithLord-II.


Moderator: You may close this thread if you so desire.


God Bless,


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I'd like to say that I totally agree, if you see these posts sithlord II then I hope you realize that we understand your leaving, but we are going to miss you :( And no offense, but I'm a little ticked off at you. I wish you would've at least finished yoda. oh well, hope you come back someday. cya

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That was a very moving post. I must remember to pray for you, ddorpm.


What's happened over the past day or two here on these forums is just completely confounding to common sense and mature, courteously deferential behaviour.


I spent about four or five years modeling for X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter and later X-Wing Alliance, and I rarely saw feelings crushed, projects leaked, and talented people leaving all at once, in such total chaos.


Modelers, modders, coders, graphic artists, and what-have-you are the most valuable members of a community, regardless, and I simply don't see an even marginal level of respect for pretty much anyone except for the moderators themselves (thank God kman is a modeler/skinner as well).


I have done some fairly foolish things myself, and I really sympathise with Midgit Yoda at this point - I haven't actually done anything like that in a long time (13 then, 18 now), even though I had the opportunities to.


It agonizes me to see personal emotions splattered across the threads on this forum in particular, and to see hard-working individuals putting out their best for the good of the community getting bent out of shape by, literally, 12-year-olds, and, less often, lapses in judgment by actually decent members of the community.


I think some otherwise intelligent people need to come to grips with the kind of attitude and moral character they need in this kind of place. At the chance of someone yelling the mantra "It's only a GAME!!", I'll say that I have truly been saddened by what's happening here, as a veteran of other communities with similar dynamics and as a (retired) modeler/skinner myself.


I would like to see some more moderators on this particular board, ones who are modelers as well with plenty of experience to draw on in this kind of situation (I wouldn't think for a second to nominate myself!).


What right do I have for this kind of outpouring? I'm just a newbie here, but this just makes me grieve.


I may make you feel, but I can't make you think.

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Well, I don't know the whole story on this, but the real problem around here is that this is supposed to be a MODELERS FORUM.


Modelers, and Soon to be Modelers. Posts about Models would be nice, and not "When is it coming out???"


Alot of would be modelers have given up, gone off, and just plain walked away from this forum and perhaps modeling all together because of all the crazyness here.


Kman has done a helluva job trying to keep it clean, but people, and usually not modelers, get all over his case for trying to make this a modelling forum. I personally cant keep track of anything here anymore, and get more annoyed than anything when I come here now.


Sorry to see this.............


So Sith, if you read this, hope to see you elsewhere.


Keep Modelling!!!

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I think it's foul that you would leave this community because of two people. Granted you don't owe any of us anything, but nevertheless your penalizing the community for the immaturity of two individuals.


For the rest of you,


It's obvious that Tru_Weed_Smoka has nothing better to do with his life than cause contention. Exchanging back and forth with him proves nothing. He obviously feeds off the attention. By the way, anyone can be a tough guy over the internet. I think to prevent this kind of foolishness, the minimum age limit in these forums should be increased.




I hope you're not really like this, if so I pray for you. Who knows if ddorpm is making up this story or not, but if its true and you find it to be comical... all I can say is you reap what you sow.



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guys stop giving this guy attention. he's a pathetic little teenager just trying to get a rise out of you because he thinks it's funny. the more you let his stupidity get to you the happier he is.


He obviously suffers from a form of depression, otherwise he wouldn't come here posting things that create flames that make him laugh. He must have some sort of mental problem if he thinks someone dying is funny, but that's ok - because when something like that happens to him he won't be laughing. Don't moan about his insensitivity, don't bother replying when he posts. Just STOP paying attention to him and let him go find somewhere else to get attention from.

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