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"In-Game" Multiplayer "Player mods"


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Have you ever been in a game where all the players all agree on a rules modification? Something in fun?


I was recently on an FFA Bespin Streets map and everyone switched to Lando and Reborn Skins..... It ended up being a modified (and informal) version of Team FFA where Lando Players were going up against the Reborn Players. It was a Hoot! and lots of fun!


Those are the rare moments in JK2 that I look forward to: when a bunch of players end up having fun and actually show it.


I also had the idea of doing a "Chicken Fight" in an FFA server, but never found enough willing participants.


It would go like this: Four players (at least) split into two teams; one player on each team jumps up on the other player on their team. The bottom player does all of the movement and the top players use their sabers. First player to fall/get knocked off loses that round.


SOMEbody would have to referee the match....


What other ideas do we have?



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Okay... here's another idea:


Six or so players on Bespin Streets all switch to Lando skin and wait for another player to arrive. They then circle him/her (sabers down) and start Taunting "Whooohooo!" over and over. IF the timing is right, the taunt will be in chorus.... and you should get at least a "WTF?" from the new player!

Or better yet, wait for the new player near the spawn point and really surprise 'em.

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Maybe a game with a clan of Stormtroopers that run around with StunBatons. Put the Squad leader in stormtrooper/red and march in formation!


I'm still up for a chicken fight, though... just to see if it can be done. If ANYone wants to do this, I'd like to record a demo! THAT would be worth posting somewhere!



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Me and a few others have created walking towers for fun. You stack people on top of each other, then everyone starts walking, creating a walking tower :D

...takes a lot of coordination between the people and good timing, low lag. What's even harder is a running tower.

Note: Only do this when extremely bored

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Skinwalker, do you have a lot of time on your hands? :D j/k!!


I think that would be a hoot to have a chicken fight, anytime you see me, let me know and I will be up for it.


Thats the kind of stuff I like, just messing around and having fun while playing. I had some fun like that the other night, me and a few other dudes were getting on each other and jumping up into this balcony way up there to just go exploring. It was fun, and I like fun :)




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Every once in a while if I'm on the Episode I FFA map where the pit is, I'll see some players trying to get out of the pit with the help of someone above trying to do a grip on them.


I remember seeing "Hey.. dude! Help me out! Grip me!" when I poked my 'head' over the edge to see..... unfortunately I was playing Lightside..... so I just jumped in to say hello... :-)




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