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Tyrion Reskins


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I have made a new Tyrion reskin pack called Ice_Pack, and for those who did not download Darth Reddy he will be included in this pack. I am also releasing another reskin of tyrion called Darth Kele. Since I love the Tyrion model so much, I will take some requests. I like the sayings "1st come 1st serve" and "The early bird gets the worm" so lets follow that in this thread. :D



BTW if you want a prewiew of the new skin I submitted check it out here > > > > http://www.hometown.aol.com/cb6368/

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Originally posted by Pyro638

I have made a new Tyrion reskin pack called Ice_Pack, and for those who did not download Darth Reddy he will be included in this pack. I am also releasing another reskin of tyrion called Darth Kele. Since I love the Tyrion model so much, I will take some requests. I like the sayings "1st come 1st serve" and "The early bird gets the worm" so lets follow that in this thread. :D



BTW if you want a prewiew of the new skin I submitted check it out here > > > > http://www.hometown.aol.com/cb6368/


i think you should reskin it to be like superman after he came back from the dead, and he had the black costume no cape, with the silver S on it. may take some new testures to do but would be badass

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Pyro638 why did you steal my reskin of tyrion Darth_Reddy? All you did was change the eye color from red to blue what the ####. This is my ####ing character. The character is based on me and my actual name. My real name is Dan Reddy. I named it that out of a joke for my friends to see. And the beard was added to make it look just like me actually. Also I have notified jediknightii.net about this. For some reason I sent them this file a month ago but it never popped up. Then I go there yesturday and some bastard had stolen my ####. SO WHAT THE #### IS GOING ON?

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Not only did he steal and take credit for your skin he also is using it w/out your permission for recolors. This pisses me off and I can't understand how he even thought he would get away with it. Also Jediknightii.net has had alot of problems lately I suggest to all skinners to submit to Jk2files.com as well as jediknightii.net

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Woah Woah WAOH! I found this skin and some rinky dinky site that had no author and i thought i'd change it around a little, and the site master or w/e the hell ya call em said that there was no maker of the skin and he recieved it in the mail - like most of the skins. The site shutdown and is gone. That is when I figured it was ok to just mess around or w/e. I am truly sorry if this really is your skin :( . I hope this doesnt give me the rep. of a stealer. Well now i guess it does. I have sent some reskins of (well now that i know) YOUR Darth Reddy and Tyrion. I am truly sorry for this misunderstanding. :cry6: I would plead for more forgivness but I feel there is nothing left that I can do......god this sucks, I really thought this skin was just a stray or somthing. I hope there is somthing i can do to cheer you up or get ever1 less mad at me. I am very sorry.

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I'm sorry also. The skin is listed as his at JK2files.com


Anyway next time you submit I would not make any changes and say you found it and you did not make it. The reason your accused of stealing is because you claimed it as your own. and with all the crap on these forums *cough*Yoda Model*cough* I'd be really careful


EDIT: Jediknightii.net seems to be working fine now. hope it doesn't screw up AGAIN *sigh*

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Thanks Rocky and next time (which i hope there wont be) I will. I never go2 JKIIfiles b/c they never really have waht jkii.net has and jkii.net has been around a lot longer. I will go and check it out though. Again, icepool I am very sorry.

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Pyro638 Hey dont worry about it if you found it that way then thats ok. Just next time say you found it. And if you can make good skins on it by all means make more skins from it. I have no problem with that. I sent the damn Darth_Reddy file a million times to jediknightii.net over the last month and they never posted it. So when I finaly saw it there and it had a different author I was pist. But anyways I'm not an ####### so dont worry about. Have fun with it and whatever you can do with it enjoy. By the way I did try to give him an Anakin Skywalker style clothes.

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Hey if you all want to work together or something we could put together a really big and diverst skin pack of jedi's and sith from this model. Let me know. I kinda new at skinning myself since I havnt skinned anything since the original quake.

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EMON, Bloodriot posted a thread in here a while ago saying The tyrion model could be skinned now because they wernt gonna use it for there story anymore. They said they had to make a new model that could actual talk during cut scenes.

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