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The Q and A thread version 1.2

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Tequila Sunrise, bloodshot eyes

Realize we're all born to die

So get the money nigga!

-Cyprus Hill


But unlike these legends, I'll have mine without the mescal and the worm (yes, I'll cope just well enough without the hallucinations, thank you!)


Q: Live music or recorded?

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

i think everybody knows how this goes :D

apparently not, M@ul your supposed to answer the question imeadiatly precedding yours. not pick and choose from precious questions...I suppose you could comment on previous questions if you wanted to but you shill still answer the unanswered one before posting your own



A: honda

Q: bothans or quarrens?

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(i'ma agree w/m@ul tho, AMD would kick a p4's ass anyday - granted they could fight)

A: um - what are quarrens? - they got a funny name, i'll go w/them...


Q: More work & more $$, or be lazy & do less work & jus make enuf $$ to keep yourself goin?

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Off topic: Strange things were happening that night. I didn't know where the questions thread went either. I thought Wraith8 deleted it. Perhaps I should use that automatic complaint program to make one. :D


A: Tricky one, but I'll go for 4-Lom. Ig-88 is too psycho for me.


Q: Fame or Fortune?

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