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Asking for HP during a duel.


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I don't like if somebody asks for my HP between a duel. It just doesn't sound right, giving your HP to him/her. when I was a n00b, I always replied, giving my HP. Now I sometimes do, sometimes not. Depends on my mood and on the player I'm playing against.

I prefer a duel with no chatter at all. Before it starts and when it ends, ok, speak if you have to, but not in the middle of the fight!

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It depend on who im dueling. If its a friend i'll tell em, if its not, i wont.


I dont want to know how many hp thay've got, if thay are still standing thay've got 1 to many!


And why ask at the end of a duel? It don't mater if you lost by 1 or 100 hp's you still lost! I'll tell somebody when I've won a duel what my hp was but before:D

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I actually tell people my hp, but I lie as well. If I'm at 90 or so, I'll say I'm at 30, just to get his sorry a** in gear and finish me.


I'll also tell my hp or type "close one" at the end of the match if it really was, just to make his defeat easier to swallow.


I very rarely ask for hp, but only if we've been fighting for an hour, I've heard him scream many times, I'm sure I've hit him tons of times and he just doesn't fall dead. Then, I'll ask for hp to get an idea on whether all my hits were just glancing 1hp-hits or whatnot. It gives me an idea on how ineffective the hit-detection system is, and if I should change fighting style.

But don't fret, I'll usually only ask for hp once in a week or so.

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If you dfa someone when they're typing you're LAME. Regardless of the question, if you didn't warn them before hand.


Personally I never ask for hp and have this bind.


"tell yours and I won't tell mine!"


Isn't too much of a problem then, it sucks when your spectating though and you see them sharing hp all the time.

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