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Republic / Rebel Tech Swap?

Darth Windu

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After seeing many complaints on the board, and my own idea's about this, i thought i should start a thread. The topic at hand is should the Rebels get the Hvy Strike Mech, and no Hvy Assault Mech; and should the Republic get the Hvy Assault Mech, and not the Hvy Strike mech? I think this would do a lot to improve the game, both in gameplay and, of course, the canon factor.

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I'm not sure, the AT-TE isn't supposed to be that strong. If anything the Rebels should lose their Hvy Assault Mech but the Republic should not gain it.


My biggest problem with the Republic is their horrible weaknesses in Heavy Weapons. Lets face it, few civs' heavy weapons exist in movie cannon, the only ones I can think of are the Gungan Catapult and the Confederacy Hailfire Droid. But the single most destructive weapon the Republic possessed was their Artillery in the movie. They were huge machines, much more like the Hvy Artillery available when you play All Techs. That should defenitely be made available normally to the Republic.


Look at it this way - the Gungans get a Hvy Artillery, which gives them a bigger catapult. If that catapult stood next to the Republic's SPHA-T, which would do more damage?

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I still think the Republic should get the Hvy Assault mech, but loose the Hvy Strike Mech. Just remember that the AT-TE is the predessesor of the AT-AT. Also, i agree about the heavy weapons. It really bugs me that every civ that is weak in mechs is also weak in hvy weapons.

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For the first time I think I agree with ya.



The at-te was not weak for its time, in fact it was revolutionary. It was heavily armored, was loaded with turrets, held ten troops, and, because it walked instead of floating, absorbed ion cannon shots (what mech destroyers shoot). The rebel one was an early empire prototype.

Im a big rebel fan and i saw their lack of hsm's as their biggest disadvantage after their horrible heavies.

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Originally posted by Admiral Vostok

My biggest problem with the Republic is their horrible weaknesses in Heavy Weapons. Lets face it, few civs' heavy weapons exist in movie cannon, the only ones I can think of are the Gungan Catapult and the Confederacy Hailfire Droid. But the single most destructive weapon the Republic possessed was their Artillery in the movie. They were huge machines, much more like the Hvy Artillery available when you play All Techs. That should defenitely be made available normally to the Republic.


Look at it this way - the Gungans get a Hvy Artillery, which gives them a bigger catapult. If that catapult stood next to the Republic's SPHA-T, which would do more damage?


After all those balance issues and seeying that the Republic is already, almost too, strong, they have to have a great weakness.

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