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Jedimod 1.1 problems

rut-wa jodar

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Dest. what happened to bots + player custom saber colors in Team game modes ? I still get the basic red + blue sabers depending on what team you are on. Also their is an error message displayed when using custom Hilts.


BTW I like the ability to ignite blades individualy, nice touch :)

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My fault about the error message I forgot to remove a saber hilt mod which was causing the problem :rolleyes:



what about custom sabers in TeamFFA for bots + player. Have they been disabled for a specific reason ???


BTW ! this was the error message

Re_RegisterModel: R_AllocModel() failed for 'models/weapons2/saber_/saber_w.glm'"

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not really problems just questions.


1. I noticed you now have 2 bots.txt files (one in each pk3) which should be edited? which is used by the mod? does it matter if they are different? does one overwrite the other?


2. How do i make a bot use a specific lightsaber model?????


Well done on the best mod ever!:)

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look at tavion's entry in the bots.txt file of jedimod v1.1. Dunno if you can give bots different hilts, try add hilt desann to one of the people in bots.txt. Not sure if you should edit the bots.txt in JediMod v1.1. It might cause people to have to download your version of the pk3 even though they have JediMod 1.1. I think each model has its own bots.txt somewhere doesnt it?


I took out the custom colors for team ffa so you could see which team was which.

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