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Ep: III Trailer Ideas


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Lucasfilm and 20th century fox logos appears


fades to Vader's breathing(which is being played throughout the trailer)


Obi: " I have a bad feeling about this!"


Yoda: "Hard to see the darkside Is"


shows some scenes from clone wars, jedi fighting.


fades to Mace who is facing Sidious' back in a dark room, Sidious senses his force essence and draws a lightsaber, still showing his back to him.


fades to silence and darkness


Vader from ESB"If you only knew the power of the darkside!"


shows Star Wars and EP III logo.






Well, that's my idea for a trailer.

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(Whoops forgot something)




Lucasfilm and 20th century fox logos appears


fades to Vader's breathing(which is being played throughout the trailer)


Obi: " I have a bad feeling about this!"


Yoda: "Hard to see the darkside Is"


shows some scenes from clone wars, jedi fighting.


fades to Mace who is facing Sidious' back in a dark room, Sidious senses his force essence and draws a lightsaber, still showing his back to him.


shows Anakin over a pit of lava come on from one end of the screen, and Obi-wan from the other end. Anakin ignites his lightsaber. Obi-wan ignites his lightsaber. Both charge at each other, before they meet in the middle of screen....


fades to silence and darkness


Vader from ESB"If you only knew the power of the darkside!"


shows Star Wars and EP III logo.


fades to black


Obi-wan's scream from TPM when qui-gon dies: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


shows date of release



What do you think?

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Starts out with the 20th Century Logo followed by the Lucasfilm Logo


Then it starts out with a meeting of the remaining Jedi Council Members talking about all the Jedi losses that they have had since the order to wipeout the Jedi Came from Palpatine



Then you see Obi-Wan and Yoda talking with Amidala and how they have to put her into hiding



Then you start to hear Darth Vader's Raspy breathing



Then you see a scene that looks like the one from ESB when Luke and Vader ignite their sabers in the carbonite chamber but it is replaced with Obi-Wan and Anakin and in a Volcano setting



Then all you hear is saber's clashing



Next seen you see Mace Windu and Dooku fighting as he tells Yoda and Amidala to leave without him



Then you see hear Palpatine saying" Wipe them out, all of them"



Then they start to flash scenes from whole movie quickly of Jedi being killed and the last thing you see is Vader's helmet being put on his head like in ESB!



Then you hear the usual Star Wars scene with the release date and the music ends!





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A seriuos one. (Not any good compared to you guys' ideas but it popped in my head so. :p )


20th Century Fox and Lucasfilm Logo each appear and vanish again.

John Williams music builds up slowly, only composed of simple authentic deep drum rythems. (Like the EpII 'Breathing' teaser trailer.)


*Republic Clonetroopers led by several Jedi engaging Seperatists battledroids and Sepeartist Clonetroopers.*

Cut to

*Explosions, blasterfire, Jedi are seen slain in battle.*

Cut to

*Anakin's face, it shows several scars already, he looks menacingly towards the camera.*

Voice-over of Qui-Gon Jinn 'Anakin! Anakin! Noo!'

Cut to

*A pregnant Padme, sitting alone in a deserted room, crying.*

Cut to

*Count Dooku facing off against Mace Windu.*

Cut to

*Imperial Stormtroopers marching on Coruscant, Senate square.*

Cut to

*Emperor Palpatine in the Chancellor box in the Senate, smiling mischievously.*

Voice-over of roaring senators is heard.

Cut to

*Outside view of a besieged and damaged Jedi Temple.*

Cut to

*The Jedi Council room, full of rubble, the body of a former Council member is seen on the floor. Low shot of black boots in the Council room, the glow of a red lightsaber is seen and heard.*

Cut to

*Padme Amidala crying, looking sad as she watches Obi-Wan who is seen cradling something gently in his arms before he boards his Jedi Starfighter.*

Voice-over of Yoda: 'Pain. Suffering.'

Cut to

*Wounded Jedi Master Adi Gallia, with her dying breath holding up the bloody lightsaber handle of Jedi Master Mace Windu.*

Cut to

*A desperate last stand of the Jedi as explosions are heard and the ground shakes.*

Cut to

*Jedi Master Yoda looking mournful over the bodies of Adi Gallia and several slain Jedi. Jedi Master Aayla Secura and battle scarred Jedi Master Plo Koon standing next to him.*

Yoda: 'Go now you must.'

Cut to

*Blastdoors opening. The figure of Darth Vader in full body armor and helmet is seen.*

Voice-over Yoda 'The last of the Jedi.'


Episode III logo, music fade out.

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You liked my idea Agent Smith? wow this is a first for me!:eek: lol But I was watching the Episode I trailers and tv spots. They all love to confuse the audience. While those of us who know anything about Star Wars its such a tease. I think that they might not use Vader's breathing as much cause it has been used in the old ones. But I do not think that Mace Windu will die as easily or normally as the other Jedi. I think that he will die sacrifing himself for a better cause. And I also think that most of the killing will not take place at the Jedi Temple. It would be suicide for whoever would attempt it. I mean you would be surrounded by Jedi everywhere no matter if you were the chosen one it would be ridicoulse. But I do think that Anakin will slay the majority of the council. And what we should see is the bomb bardment of Mos Espa.





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Originally posted by Hannibal

So Plo Koon and Aayla servive? I wonder why?


Because!!! :p;)



Well the idea behind the trailer idea is that the Jedi temple falls under siege and most Jedi have already been slain in the Clone Wars, there could be as few as a 1000 left, spread fairly thin.

Also showing Dooku fights Mace doesn't really say anything about who wins, I just think that Adi gallia or another Jedi holding up his lightsaber after his death gives it an epic 'Braveheart' quality.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have one... Very Simple


Open Credits to breathing and beggining to imperial march

slowly vaders helmet spins around to have the light cast on the dome and the eyes and mouth peice...then ya hear a lightsaber slash and then white out flash and then blah blah blah episode 3

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