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Jedimod Hilts! !


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Originally posted by Shocket

If you want, you can try my Hilt Pack

It contains:


Desann (image)



Hatrus 1-3

Luke (image)


Obi-Wan Episode1



reborn (image)

Spiked Dagger




Yoda Shor&Long


All these Hilts have Selection image.



I tried shockets hilt pack and it is very good


they are all textured except for




Qui Gon


I think you need to take another look at those ones.


Apart from that it is really good:)

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Sorry I'm a bit slow reply to this topic but here is how you edit the hilts to work with JediMod v1.1:


1. Move all the files from the models/weapons2/saber/ directory to a models/weapons2/saber_hiltname/ directory, where hiltname is whatever you want your hilt to be named. zip these files up into a pk3. You now have all the files in a pk3 file and all the files in the pk3 file are in the models/weapons2/saber_hiltname/ directory.


2. Now you have to get the textures to load right. This is the hard part. The texture path name is embeded in the .glm file of the model. This means you have to open the model in a model editor and change the texture so it uses the texture in the saber_hiltname directory.


I'm not sure if I explained that very well but I hope you get the idea.

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I would imagine the .skin file would work the same as if it were being used on a normal model. Or atleast it loads the textures up in md3view. I think the hud icons would have to get coded in somehow, I've tried a fiew variants and the best I can do is replace the Kyle saber pic with my custom one.

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to use a .skin file all you gotta do is make a .skin file same folder as saber and put it in this form inside the .skin file



w_saber(model name in program),models/weapons2/saber_quigon/Jinskin.jpg



then when you are compiling it to a ghoul2 file import the .skin file


it will come up with a error saying that it couldnt find the texture but just ignore that


then just zip everything all up and it works

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I think .skin files might be messing stuff up. Might just be the hilt code though. Not sure but when you do a custom model with a bad skin it doesnt go to the default skin.


Well maybe not apparently it is doing the same thing without jedimod installed. This is a very confusing bug.

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I have a saber called Nemisis Saber can anyone fix that one up for me i want to have that with my collection.


Oh and i have this problem where my Nemisis Saber will show up in my left hand but not in my right hand, but all other players i see have my Nemisis Saber in both thier hands not real sure whats up here but any help is good

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Originally posted by Shocket

If you want, you can try my Hilt Pack

It contains:


Desann (image)



Hatrus 1-3

Luke (image)


Obi-Wan Episode1



reborn (image)

Spiked Dagger




Yoda Shor&Long


All these Hilts have Selection image.


i dl it but where do i put them
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Dooku,Plo Kloon,Obi wan,and quigon dont show up cause their texture names and skin files point to "saber.jpg" which IS kyles saber texture. So if you put only dookus, you cant use kyles saber but dookus will work, now if you put plo koons in WITH dooku, youve got a koon saber using dooku textures that have overwritten kyles. Basicaly you NEED to recompile these and change the skin file and texture jpg names, so it points to "saber_texture" or "saber_yoda" or "koontex" whatever u want. Heh i have a hilt pack that works with all of em except koon, dooku and alaris saber (my quigon replaces my kyle so it works). Heh. So if anyone knows how to change the skin files and point em to the diffrent fle name, that'll fix it.

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Here's what i have come to realize, if you put in any saber compadible with the mod the they will appear in the hud list under the saber color and kyles hilt will appear as default on in the left hand. If you put in a saber that is not compadible it will not work in the right hand but will work in the left hand and will also be default for the bots. (I know i may sound like captian obvious) Now my question is, Does anyone know a way to choose what saber you want to use in the left hand

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is the default pathline for the saber and it is used for those wanting to add a custom hilt to the game.


models/weapons2/saber_<character name>/<filename>


is the new pathway for adding custom hilts to Dest's very popular JediMod 1.1.

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