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CTF Autokill script cheat


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So are all the clans script cheaters now? It seems every clan person I run into is using this cheat to always be at full force and be able to pick up fresh guns. It's a massive cheat, why does no one speak out against it?


I always assumed the clans were bastions of decent game play, and used to enjoy playing against them. They were almost always good competition more interested in a balanced fun game, than just piling on score, but I gotta say this is sickening now. Do you clan people really not consider this cheating? It is. Get off it already. *sigh*

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First, I don't think all clan members are cheaters. And second, are you sure that they are cheating, because sometimes when I am having trouble killing anyone in the game it feels like their cheating, but it's really me just having an off game.

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Yes, I am certain. I really don't care about people scripting in most cases. I don't think it is that great of a benfit for the vast majority of instances. But this one rankles me.


It is obvious what they are doing, because I have seen them do it right in front of me. They are pursuing someone with a flag, they must run out of force power or something and you see them kill themselves right infront of you and a message appears saying they have killed themselves. Boom , instant respawn with full force powers so they can speed after the flag carrier anew.


I believe I have even heard of the script command you need to do it /kill. I really think it is only a reasonable tactic in CTF as pretty much any other game type I assume you lose points for it. I know you have to ask whether they are just doing something I can't, because I've seen a heck of a lot of people complain unjustly when someone was just talented.


But, this has nothing to do with talent. There is no regular hotkey command to do this in the game, and I assume they are doing this through script. If this is a regularly mappable key command that I have just missed please tell me and I will shut up, but I've looked through the menus and not seen it (of course I missed the force seeing key mapping and thought it was an always on power for weeks when I was a noob);)

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It is not a regular mappable key via the menus. However this command exists in the Q3 engine itself. It is not a cheat... i repeat IT IS NOT A CHEAT. Many of the best Q3 CTF clans out there use this regularly. If you are on defense and you get killed and respawn in the other teams base you /kill yourself so you spawn back in your base. It is much quicker to do that than to run all the way back... then your flag is in jepoardy. Since many clans have squads for different games, then the same tactics are used. This command is not a cheat nor a script, it is a BIND! Just like you would bind a key to say "Hi!". It is nothing more or nothing less, just a bind and part of the game. Whatever you say will not change the fact that it is there.

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Killing yourself is NOT A CHEAT (like the guys before me said). It is a very acceptable tactic. It is no more cheating than taunting is. Both can be binded through the console. It is especially useful for rage/speed users who can kill themselves to rage/speed again (known as rage/speed whores). EVERY good player I know (whether in a clan or not) uses /kill all the time.

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I even use this on cheap pull/backstab whores (when there's lag and I know I can't defend myself in time...I use it).


ohh, and it CAN be a script


//kill yourself

bind g "kill"


stick that in autoexec.cfg and BAM! a working script ;)


and because sooo many people call scripts cheats it's a cheat too, I proved both those theories (not a cheat and not a script) wrong :p

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Actually, I have jumped off things to kill myself before and don't consider that a fishy tactic at all. It's part of the regular documented game, not an 'augmentation'. I didn't whine about it, don't whine about it. I adapted to the ass killing frenzy of 1.03 and hardly complained (expcept the first day when I got owned by it a zillion times in one night. Then I let out a choice swearword or twelve in my office.) I only question tactics that involve 'augmentation' of the regularly provided game functions. Perhaps this one does not qualify.


I still think this is a bit fishy of a tactic and don't know if I will succumb to joining the 'dark' side on this one. I guess if that is a basic command that is part of the engine, even if it is not documented in the regular rules you can make a case for it.


It sure does seem unfair to the noobs who are getting their butts handed to them anyway though that you have a few over-serious players who are practically always on them killing them like mown grass.

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