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Too many unique lightpoints in the grid!


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Thanks! Also, I think the light intensity and scale may have something to do with it to, I'm not sure. I have some lights over a 1000 with a scale of 5. Do you think that those values matter per entity and would be equivalent to say maybe two or three default value light entities, or is it purely the number of light entities that there is a limit on? Sorry if I'm asking too much, I appreciate any help you can give. Thanks again! :)

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You have too many lights in your map. In the worldspawn enter key lightgrid and for the value, 64 64 64. Infinite brushes can also cause this error.


I think you need to go higher to something like 128 128 128 for JO, that was for Q3.


And if your problem is an infinite brush, here's how to fix it:


WARNING: Node without a volume / node has 0 tiny portals


An infinite brush. Delete it. The latest build of GtkRadiant has a debug tool that can help the mapper track down infinite brushes. Go to the BSP menu and select No_Vis (No light). After the compile process, a window will open up--assuming you've got bad brushes--and the first brush in the list will be selected and visible in the Z-Window. Merely press Backspace to delete this brush and repeat the No_Vis process. Or, you can use the Find Brush command (Misc menu) to find and then delete those bad brushes.

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yes, I put in the 64, 64, 64 but it didn't help. I'll try the 128 x 3 and see. I don't have a problem with an infinite brush though (i wish that was the problem), mine is with too many light entities or maybe I have them set with too high of intensity and scale. Anyway, I'll try this. Thanks.



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I'm getting this lightgrid thingy too.....


I have maybe 200 light entities. There were probabaly about twice as many, then I got the problem during compling, and got rid of about half the 400 or so that I'd estimate there were before. The strange thing is I might have had more lights than I do now a while ago..and I wasn't getting this problem.


Tried the worldspawn thingy with 128...


Not wanting to sound stupid...:c3po: but what is an infinite brush, and how do you find them?

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Still no luck :( Very strange, I really don't think I have THAT many lights entities.....


It keeps happening when I try fast vis, but fullvis seems to take ages (I waited nearly an hour then gave up on it). I was willing to wait that long when I knew it would be working...not when it might just come up with the same error as before...but it seems to be taking so long wheras fastvis finishes with this error report within about 4 mins....might there be anything in that, might fullvis work?

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I think I've stumbled across a solution to the problem....

I was locking in the worldspawn entity and it said something about "gridsize" - size of lighting grid to "X Y Z". default="64 64 128". I tried

key: gridsize

value: 512 512 512


And it now seems to be working OK! :)


SuNburN, if you're still getting this problem, this may solve it hopefully.


BTW - Is there any disadvantage to having a large lightgrid as opposed to a smaller one?


Thnaks for the help Emon :)

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I think I kinda fixed the problem of that error although I still get it occasionally, but now the severe problem is I can't see fire runners or lasers that shoot out of the bryar blaster..and I've tried changing the color back to white on the light entities...but it's still screwed up!! I don't have enough hours in the day to keep messing with this!! HELP!!! :confused::mad::eek::bdroid2::rolleyes::confused:

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