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Love the Yoda Model but miss my grappling hook. Combining Mods ?

Bird Of Prey!

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I hate to sound like a nOOb but this is a bit confusing. What is a "Source Code" vs. a "*.pk3 file" vs. a "*.cfg" file? I'm very computer literate but this is above my head??


Source Code = The normal readable text files that consists of the game code. You can just alter them by using a simple text editor. But to "compile" them (turn them into useable game code) you're going to need the JK2 SDK (software developer kit) from http://www.ravensoft.com.


.pk3 Files = JK2 uses zip files called .pk3 files to conventantly organize your complied source code and data for the main JK2 program and Mods.


.cfg = configuration files that tell JK2 what setting to run. These can also contain custom scripts and such. These may or might not be readable text files (it depends on the .cfg files).

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Originally posted by Bird Of Prey!

However, if you give me an idea when you'll be on this evening, I'll start a Grapple Server and all you'll have to do is search for my player name, connect to the server and the Mod will D/L.


what's the name of that server??

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Originally posted by Bird Of Prey!


You're too late tonight, I'm heading to bed. I'll be back Thurs or Friday. My server name changes depending on my mood. Search for Bird Of Prey!


can you just sent it to me who cares if i have your settings not that i can do any thing with it

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Originally posted by Lightning

can you just sent it to me who cares if i have your settings not that i can do any thing with it


Lightning, I worried more about it messing with YOUR system's game settings than anything else. However, if you insist, I'll zip it up and you'll just need to do the following after you unzip the files.


1) Open your own "jk2mpconfig" file with the Windows Notepad. This file can be found in your "Base" folder.

2) Open it with Notepad, then click "Edit" and "Select All." After that click "Copy" and close the "Base\jk2mpconfig" folder.

3) Next open the "Gamedata" folder, open the "Grapple1" folder, and click on the "jk2mpconfig" file in this folder.

4) Open this file with Notepad, then click "Edit" and "Select All." After that click "Paste." Your own "jk2mpconfig" settings should now be in the "Gamedata\Grapple1" folder.

5) Now click "File" and then "Save."

6) Close this window.


After this activate JediKnight Outcast, goto your "Mod" list, and load the Grapple 1 mod.


All I need now is your e-mail address!

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Originally posted by Lightning

my mail is the_supermonkey@msn.com


btw can yopu use that mod with all the jk 2 game's??


Lightning, I have your e-mail and I have the file prepared. :) However, we had a big storm here and my ADSL Service is down. Right now I'm connecting through a molasses 56K modem. Anyway, the service is supposed to be up by tommorrow or, worst case scenario, Monday. :(


I have not forgotten about you and I will send that file as soon as my "Lightspeed" ADSL Modem is working. I'll keep you updated!

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Lightning, and snipe, I'm still stuck in the 56K dark ages. My ADSL provider is pissing me off! As soon as my Highspeed service is fixed I'll send both of you the file. Please e-mail me if you get it in the mean time.


This sucks! I can't play JKII online because it is laggy as hell at 56K. I even tried scaling down to the bare bones! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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I was so disappointed I found a "jedi vs merc" server and when I joined it was not even close to jedi vs merc. There was no grapple (yes it was running 1.03) and to make matters worse, I could not pick up any guns, could not use anything more saber and Basic force powers (no grip, no heal, no nothing) while on the other team, they were using guns AND saber AND basic force on me. Hmmm that didn't seem right.


If anyone has IPs of dedicated jedi vs merc servers please share. so far it looks like this mod has potential but if its gonna be another berylium mod for quake 3 (much potential, 2 servers total) then i'll just have to pass and wait for quake4.


keeps fingers crossed...

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Turn on Allow Downloads to get the Merc Grappling Hook



- Jedi are light force powers, and all sabre colours except red.

- Sith are dark powers, red sabres only.

- No killing other people on your team.

- No exploiting of bugs or cheating.

- Sabre off does not equal peace, play or die.

- It's a server not a chatroom, either spectate to chat or type fast.


It contains numerous custom models and maps (Sandarena, Duel of the Fates, Genosis Factory)

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I know it's a bit late, but I found a few grapple mods at massassi site, but they weren't the ones you were talking about. They both had several negitive comments, so I didn't download them...


Likewise, my computer that I can download stuff onto has a screwed up internet thing (says that there are no network cables plugged in, yet they clearly are, and the internet is networked with this one, which does work....), so I'm on my parent's comp now, and can't download the game or anything, so I'm stuck not being able to play online, so I'm stuck playing bots that jump off cliffs, get themselves smashed in doors, and just run around in circles (sadly to say that even if they didn't do that, I'd still be far past their level, as I played this game 24//7 when the intenet still worked).


Another problem is that I have a "protocol version 15", when most good servers that I used to go on use "protocal version 16". As far as I know, I didn't change the protocol at all (mainly because I don't know how), and I used to even have protocol 16... I'm confused (in other words, all you people who are 35 and still live in your parent's basements who know about EVERTHING about computers and stuff, HELP ME OUT HERE)! I beleive that's all, so...

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COULD THIS SITE BE ANY SLOWER? I think these forums are hosted on a 33.6 kbps connection. It took me only about 10 minutes to load this response page from the main lucasforums.




I'm going to wait till this mod is a *little* bit more available to the general public. So far out of all the people that frequent these boards, there's only about 2 people who have it and for reasons of their own they can't email it to anyone. There is only 1 server up in the world that I have heard of and it uses protocol 16, which apparently is not included in the 1.03 upgrade patch.




Don't worry about sending me the file. It wont do any good anyways since there aren't any servers around.


Thx anyways.

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Originally posted by Bird Of Prey!

Snipe, the Grapple 1 Mod worked fine for me in both 1.03 and 1.04. There aren't many Grapple servers out there because the Mod is so hard to find. Let me know if you want to try it.


can you play the mod in all the game's or only in jedi vs merc??

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Originally posted by snipedog

Ok, I finally connect to the server and now it says "Server uses Protocol 16"




I'm running 1.03 and I have auto-download enabled.


I'm starting to think JvMvS is not gonna be for me..

The server uses 1.04, upgrade

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it has mine code in it.


My mod is kinda hard to find because I never submitted the latest version of it to the sites.


Could you tell me what other grapple hook mods are out there...i need to yell on them a bit (mine was first)

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