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Need help with Yoda npc..


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Alright, so far I've been able to edit the npcs.cfg and put Yoda in as the name and playermodel name. I have kinja's yoda model and I'm replacing jedi2 (The old jedi guy with the orange saber). I put




playermodel (or whatever) yoda

sabercolor green




I left the rest alone. But now I save the npcs.cfg (By exporting it and importing it with PakScape, or else it would make me try and save a text file =p), I go in SP, load up a level such as ladder2, and I type npc spawn yoda and it can't find it

if I typed in npc spawn jedi2, the regular guy would come up. Did I miss a step? I looked at Emon's tut but I got confused with the whole RebornStormtrooper idea and adding it to levels. I just want to know how exactly to get yoda working here.

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My mod will have yoda, which you asked to beta test so when you get it you can use it! Hehe


My mod is open source without me giving the source, when you get it look in the npcMod-Jedi.npc file and find Yoda, which they are in abc order, and you can mutilate it take it use it in another mod, you wont even need to give me credit because I enjoy helping other people learn things. Btw- I am going to put the beta up in 2 files tommorow and you can have it then! So adios

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I will pm you the link because I don't have it ready for open beta, so about 10:00-11:00 check your pm's.


And when you make new npc's it is better to do it in your own file like




then include the npc's. And naming conventions are required due to the ghoul2 engine the game uses.

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AM or PM? Btw, renaming the npcs.cfg file didn't help :|

Here's what in here though, see if's it's ok..




playerModel yoda

saberColor green

rank lt

customSkin j2

surfOff "head head_face"

surfOn "head_off head_face_off"

reactions 3

aim 3

move 3

aggression 3

evasion 2

intelligence 3

playerTeam player

enemyTeam enemy

class jedi

yawSpeed 140

walkSpeed 55

runSpeed 200

snd jedi2

sndcombat jedi2

sndjedi jedi2

health 200

dismemberProbHead 0

dismemberProbArms 5

dismemberProbLegs 0

dismemberProbHands 10

dismemberProbWaist 0



Anything wrong?

And what's a naming convention? K.O = Stupid atm

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If you READ the tutorial you'd know that you're supposed to put the name of the NPC infront of the model name so it takes on the actions of the NPC. Your NPC name should be JediYoda or JediFYoda or LukeYoda or something like that.

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Listen Emon, don't get pissed. My god, I did read the damned tutorial, I went over it 5 times and I still missed it. I JUST MISSED IT. I don't want to be anyone enemy on this forum.. geez. -_-


**Edit: Thanks though. :D

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Well obviously you didn't miss it if you truely read it, it's impossible to miss, unless you skimmed it. Make the NPC name JediYoda, rename the actual model folder in your gamedata\base to JediYoda, and rename the model entry in the NPC file to JediYoda as well. Then try NPC Spawn JediYoda

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Originally posted by K.O

I reinstalled JKII cause I was getting other errors, but now I'm afraid to touch my asset0.pk3 ever again.

if all you're doing is extracting files from the assets, you aren't doing any harm to them.

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well t3, I extract and edit the npcs.cfg like it says and I import it back in. Should that really damage the whole game if I mess with the SP files? =P npc's DO only work for SP, am I correct?

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Originally posted by K.O

I wonder if during all this I had to have the jedimod.pk3 in the base folder to npc spawn yoda...

jedimod is not supposed to go in the base folder. :p and i advise not saving stuff inside assets in the future. :p

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I also edited the npc file in sp and turned luke into yoda and didn't have any problems. I also turned kyle into yoda but he was six feet tall so I took it out. also If you do get yoda to work in sp player scale him down to 50 Then yoda is just about right. The reason the model is luke and not yoda is because I did some other editing with pk3's it all worked out in the end.



fullName "Skywalker, Luke"

playerModel luke

saberColor green

rank captain

reactions 3

aim 3

move 3

aggression 3

evasion 5

intelligence 3

vigilance 1

playerTeam player

enemyTeam enemy

class luke

yawSpeed 9000

walkSpeed 1

runSpeed 1000

// race human

snd luke

sndcombat luke

sndjedi luke

health 3000

scale 50

headYawRangeLeft 360

headYawRangeRight 360

headPitchRangeUp 360

headPitchRangeDown 360

torsoYawRangeLeft 360

torsoYawRangeRight 360

torsoPitchRangeUp 360

torsoPitchRangeDown 360

dismemberProbHead 100

dismemberProbArms 100

dismemberProbLegs 100

dismemberProbHands 100

dismemberProbWaist 100

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