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keeping R5 alive on Despin


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I'm in the cloud city and I can't figure out how to get the R5 unit past the row of assains and trip mines. Either I die or the droid gets it or both, but despite many deaths and trying differerent stratigies, I can't get us both across the open space alive.


please help me?

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That is a tough part ...


Remember - you just got the Imperial Heavy Repeater ... that is not a coincidence. You need to use a combination of Force Speed and the repeater's Alt fire to get down the hall.


Another thing to remember - the R5's worst enemy is the mines. The enemies won't hit him, they just shoot at you. You may want to mind trick the Rodian snipers is you have the Force pool available.


There is no 'set solution' as I've found, only some tips ... and a lot of work and reloading.



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Make sure you have full shields and health and sprint full length down the bridge. When setting off mines try to be the other side of the explosion. Ignore the snipers, when at the other end of the bridge crouch down and find cover. Then just wait a couple of hours for the droid to arrive!!



:vadar: Vs. :yoda:


The ultimate fight !!!


Pvt_Ryan :dmaul3:

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you can get throught the passage way without losing any health by taking your time to eliminate the threats. as soon as the droid opens the door just block its path by standing in front of it. it will not be able to proceed down the hallway. you can take your time to eliminate the mines and the enemies. just make sure you are in front of the droid. it is possible the droid may get stuck and refuse to move after you get out of its way but that could be taken care of with a little force push/pull.

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yeah, that's how i did it playing it last night. I stayed in the doorway R5 just opened and blocked his way. Snipers can't get you here either. Took out the weapon with the scope and blasted each trip mine then changed to the repeater and went for the snipers moving down the hall to get the ones furthest away...

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Well Here is another way.

I had to do it this way to get past this part on jedi master level.


First do yourself a favor and save right before the droid opens the door so it is easy to start over.


As soon as the droid opens the door use force pull and pull him back to you a couple times. When he's far enough back use force push and push him into the small cubby just to the right of the door. He will turn around and get stuck there and stay there as long as you don't move too far to the left or too far forward. Something you don't want to do anyway because you'll get shot.

Now pull out your E11 blaster (#3) and shoot the mines that are closest to you. For the ones farther away pull out your Tenloss DXR-6 Disruptor rifle (#4) and using the scope option you will be able to take out all the rest even down to the other end.

All the rest that is EXCEPT one mine hidden behind the 1st set of pillars and 2 mines behind the second set of pillars further down.


OK now then turn on force speed and race to the other end jumping over the two sets of trip mine lasers that are left. The droid will take off when you do.

Ignore ALL the bad guys to the right. Just bypass them altogether. They will not shoot at the droid just you. Killing them is not necessary to get on with the mission. Your "health" is more important than your kill count.

When you get to the other end take out the remaining mines from

this side using the same scope option of the disrupter rifle.

Don't worry if the droid trips the 1st mine at the other end before you can get to it. It won't kill him.

Just be sure to take out the second set of two mines behind the nearest set of poles. They will kill him.

Now wait for the droid.


Save before proceeding. You don't want to repeat this do you?

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I just pull him back when he open's the door and I push him into a place on the left that he will get stuck. Then use speed and snipe the guys on the ledge. When you're done with that you can take out the mines and hen when you're done just go back and pull R-2 out of that spot and just Force pull to get him to the end faster.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's what i did.


I know this is cheating, so flame if you must. first, i went to the control room and got rid of the trandoshan. i didn't touch the button, but i nocliped through the door and got rid of the mines. then i went up to the ledge where the snipers usually are. i then layed down a line of explosives and then i went and pushed the button and let the droid through and blew up the enemies as soon as the door opened.

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