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what about mailing lucas


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i mean we can mail them about certen things:


1. the saber!!! does that look like one of the movies?


2.when a guy has 57 ping and another guy 178 ping it aint fare play!!

you cant hit the guy but the guy hits you like3 meters off!!


3. let us use whatever saber mod we want i mean a saber is personal right??



maybe they can do that in 1.5

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You actually think George Lucas will give a damn about some little whiner who is upset about a game based on his franchise!?


You need to be a tad more realistic.


1) There are plenty of fan mods to edit this.


2) Get a cable modem and stop complaining. Would you whinge if a DVD wouldn't play in your CD player!?


3) Use JediMod 1.1. Most servers are using it now. Sheesh!

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Originally posted by Th@_BoZkUrT

i have cable and with mailing lucas i ment lucasarts you know the guys who made the game you dummie!


If a person can't tell the difference between a man and a huge, muti-layered, corporate gaming giant, they're in no position to call other people "dummie" (The correct spelling of which is dummy)

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I don't really care if I am irritating you.


I'm just sck of people whining about the game. There are LOTS of fan mods that edit the sabers, multiple servers use saber mods so it's not like you are starved.


Ping and slowdown are not problems that Lucasarts have to deal with. It's the perogative of the person playing the game.


If the truth annoys you, it's not my problem.

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The fact that you are getting angry with words on a message board is amusing me. Maybe you should read your own thread. I gave you answers twice.


You actually think George Lucas will give a damn about some little whiner who is upset about a game based on his franchise!?


You need to be a tad more realistic.


1) There are plenty of fan mods to edit this.


2) Get a cable modem and stop complaining. Would you whinge if a DVD wouldn't play in your CD player!?


3) Use JediMod 1.1. Most servers are using it now. Sheesh


Your last post made minimal sense and it still looks like you are getting mixed up between a man and a multi national gaming company.





Maybe if you say George Lucas, it'll be easier for you.


Get a Life!? You're the one losing your patience with words on a screen.


A bit of advice. Use some punctuation. A period here. A comma there. Maybe some captial letters. It'll make you look less stupid and maybe your posts will make more sense as they are difficult to read in their current state.

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D.L. stop being such a fascist...


Dont take this as a flame, but why are you trashing this guys hopes.


So what if he has very little chance of getting his voice heard?

Why minimize his chances by the sort of demoralization that you are showing? That's not so big of you... Why not give him a nice word for trying. Or at least why minimize you just keep quite?


History has shown on more then one occasion that the persistence of one person can alter the path of thousands.

So why do you have such a conservative look at things?


Oh, and about: "I'm just sck of people whining about the game"

-Dude what the hell are you doing on these forums, especially on the thread were one can talk freely about jk2 if you cant stand whining?

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Originally posted by V-tecc

D.L. stop being such a fascist...


fascist take this as a flame, but why are you trashing this guys hopes.


I didn't. I simply told him there ARE mods available that do what he wants. If he wants to listen or try to insult me, that's his perogative. I think I'll go complain that my DVD's don't work in my walkman now.....



Oh, and about: "I'm just sck of people whining about the game"

-Dude what the hell are you doing on these forums, especially on the thread were one can talk freely about jk2 if you cant stand whining?


Typo and the Game Feedback Forum is two down. An easy mistake.

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Originally posted by D.L.


I didn't. I simply told him there ARE mods available that do what he wants. If he wants to listen or try to insult me, that's his perogative. I think I'll go complain that my DVD's don't work in my walkman now.....





Typo and the Game Feedback Forum is two down. An easy mistake.


Just saying relax, everyone is complaining in these forums he is, you are, even I... I'm just saying that we should try to be more harmonical against each other.


He was trying to do something constructive and it felt like you kept trying to cut his hops off...


never mind, hope you didn't take it personal...

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Originally posted by Th@_BoZkUrT

here you go DL now get lost and dont bother me or i will bother YOU!!!




Come on then. Bother me. I want to see you try. Should be good for a laugh :)


Originally posted by Th@_BoZkUrT

dont u have nothing else to do with your life? you little PC FREAK NERD or whatso ever


Ah, Poetic Irony. You can me a PC FREAK NERD yet you are here replying to my posts, just as I am to yours. Pot. Kettle. Black.


Originally posted by V-tecc


Just saying relax, everyone is complaining in these forums he is, you are, even I... I'm just saying that we should try to be more harmonical against each other.


He was trying to do something constructive and it felt like you kept trying to cut his hops off...


never mind, hope you didn't take it personal...


I know, mate. Have a check in your private messages.

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First of all: don't play at all if your going to complain about the things that you bought! You don't like cable? than fine, pay for a faster connection!


Two: JK2 isn't about a direct simulation of the movies. The sabers have minimal details to stop lag.


Three: Raven has released the source code, so if you don't like it, fix it yourself.




:rolleyes: I didn't didn't put that in order..... :cool:

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Well said DL and teutonicknight.... Well said indeed.


Instead of complaining about things that are already fixed, why not try to help and further the community by making your own mods, models, scripts to help lagging 56kers, etc?


Complaining about something is one thing, but attempting to cause a flame war because someone told you the "fixes" are already out there just shows ignorance.


A lot of people need to remove their sticks from their "you-know- where's".


Oh, another thing.... If you are experiencing a lot of lag, check out the MP Strategy Forum under scripts here... There are some scripts to change settings to lessen your lag when you are on a slower connection.

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