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i have a request........


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i saw somebody do a really cool move last night before we proceeded to duel. he spun around several times, and rose into the air. i realize that the move was scripted, and today (while "working") i searched everywhere for an example script. i found a couple of cheat scripts , used to bind finishing moves to one key, and they told me a little of how this works. i have no interest in binding one key moves....this would be contrary to why i enjoy playing this game. however, i am interested in understanding how this guy made his character spin around pretty fast (the part where he rose up into the air i think i understand). does anybody have any experience with this?

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Sounds like he was using the yellow stance DFA move but going around in circles with his mouse while doing it.



Enemy in front of you, charge at him, hold attack..once the saber passes over your head, quickly while holding foward and attack hold jump...tricky to pull off.


If anyone knows an easier way, please do tell.

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no..i dont think that was the case either, but thanks for the reply guys! i think, that he had the move scripted, maybe something like:


//cheat script is as follows:


bind "x" "+attack; +moveright; + moveright; +moveright; +moveup"



//end script





although, something must be missing, because that just causes you to swing, then move in a circle and jump. this guy moved real fast. i dunno. it looked kewl. =)

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ok.nm...razorace....you must be right.....


i scripted:



bind x "+attack +right; +right; +moveup;"






this resulted in me swinging once, and then rotating slowly to the right as i jumped into the air....lol! not quite what i expected.




oh well! ill have to check out jedistyle! thx guys.

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He might of just did a yellow dfa and did the yawspeed trick thats were you press an arrow key and you will spin really fast. thats also how you breakdance. i think you type cg_yawspeed 3000 then press left or right on an arrow key

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I think razorace is right. I was on a regular duel server and this guy spun around really, really fast, while slashing downward with his saber. Not exactly what razorace said, but I've used Jedimod on a non-Jedimod server before. I had two double-bladed lightsabers, and I won by 30 kills!! (sorry about the bragging)

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