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If you are trying to find a good skybox texture for your own map, I think the best way is to do one yourself. The variety of possibilities shipped with the game is as wide as is the game itself (that is, not very wide).


To not make it look more complicated than it is, I suggest you go and check a skybox tutorial by Kayron James Mercieca:




You can find the file from that address. I have to say, it's really easy using the (free) software mentioned in the tutorial itself. Go ahead - you'll be surprised - you'll have your very own skybox made in just one day.

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Eh, that requires effort...


In my version of radiant I cannot see previews of the sky textures, so is there a list anywhere of sky styles (i.e., Bespin: Bespin cloud cover; Stars: generic starfield, etc), or do I just go get another version of JKR?

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I still can't help with lists, if there are any such, but one more solution I can offer: extract the asset#.pk3 packets in your base folder with winzip and you'll get the game data folders including textures and shaders. You can check the textures for skies, see if there's one that fulfils your demands. Then you must use the ShaderEd program to see, what shader uses that specific texture set.

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Yeah, I believe that one of the asset.pk3's have some sky textures that you were looking for. And if WinZip doesn't work for you for some odd(Clue for my name :D) reason, search for PakScape 1.1 on Google.com. Best .pk3 viewing prog I've seen. ;)

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