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Radiant versions...?


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I have noticed, as I look at tutorials on different sites, that there are a lot of discrepencies between the basic instrucions on various sites about how to use JKRadiant. SO, I'm feeling as if I have a secondhand version, which I downloaded from richdiesal.jedioutcastmaps.com/tutorials, and I am wondering what *IS* the absolute newest, best, most up-to-date version of Radiant for Outcast, and where do I download it?

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JK2Radiant is made for JO, the one thatt comes in the editing tools packs; use that one for now


I have noticed, as I look at tutorials on different sites, that there are a lot of discrepencies between the basic instrucions on various sites about how to use JKRadiant

how so? i never noticed anything but slight UI differences

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