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Tom Servo Reskinned and updated.


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Here's the new skin and the new parts I've added to the model. It all came out to be around 2,966 polys. (cutting it close). Also I fixed the top part and lower part to where they are wider.


I am now at the stage of weighting the model (I dread this part since I've never weighted anything, lol). Hope you guys enjoy this.



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... I think the base is a little too big. The base really isn't much larger around than the thickest part of the torso but with yours its nearly twice as wide.





*edit* Now that I think about it I may be wrong about that but for some reason your model looks way out of proportion.

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... I think the base is a little too big. The base really isn't much larger around than the thickest part of the torso but with yours its nearly twice as wide


Well this happened when I was fitting it around that skeleton. I'm not too sure whether I can fix this or not. Well we'll see soon. :)

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The base doesn't have ANY red on it. I know that one for certain. ;)



Also is the globe transparent? I know it might be kinda hard to do (but you know how to according to your Samus model, speaking of which the messege seems to have disappeared again) but that would be a very cool feature, and it would make it seem more real too.

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Ok, I'll fix that part. When I grouped all the skins together I had to re-place everything. This caused me to color it by memory (which isnt good).

And the globe will be transparent, just not in that picture. It was a snap from the shader editor. I had to make a quick export as an md3 to check if the shader went on properly.

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Oh and one thing I think I need to say about this model:


You may not believe this, but I did absolutely no unwrapping on the model whatsoever. Find that hard to believe, here's what I did:


I used simple UVW mapping to make it look right. I just used a planar map for each and moved it with the gizmo function thing.


As you probably forgot, I have absolutely no knowledge of unwrapping models. I just thought about skinning this model the same way I made my woozy saber hilt. Just plain UVWmapping and moving and rotating maps. It seemed easier since Tom Servo is only a simple robot. lol.

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VHD, I did that same exact thing for my saber hilt. It was much easier since it was already using the existing JPEG of Kyle's hilt.


Of course, when I get to modeling the main character for my SP episode, I'll do it the right way. :)

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If you have ever played the Sims and downloaded the Crow model I was the one that asked Jerome to do him(that's why he's mishapen Jerome had no idea what the heck he looked like even though I provided all kinds of reference!)


Anyway I will get to be Sir Thomas Nevil Sireaux

I hope you do Crow next :D(Why didn't you do Crow first?)


Notes on the model:

Kman is there a way to have his arm invisible except a shader of springs?I know in every pic you see it looks like a solid shaft but they are small slinky like springs that you get off a C.More Bunz doll





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I did build Crow as a model once. (not for JK2, it was like nearly 2 years ago). I never did get it skinned and I lost the file when my computer crashed back then. I really miss that one I made. I took me so damn long to make it. lol.


But I will make it again. I will set my mind to it after Tom Servo is finished. :D

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