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Be honest now: Does this thread look to0 big in these pants??




EDIT:rolleyes:: well maybe it's obvious. I got a real Q actually...


How do I see all the commands in console page by page instead of the whole list being shown in 1 sec? I mean, I have good eyes but I can't read so fast *LOL*

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Jesus christ Druid!

Someone oughta move you to the swamp where you belong....


I'm actually surprised this whole "MP-Forum" haven't been swamped by now... SOOOO much off topic ****.....








Well.... This thread does look too big for you to handle druid...

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Originally posted by druid

How do I see all the commands in console page by page instead of the whole list being shown in 1 sec? I mean, I have good eyes but I can't read so fast *LOL*


I think you can use the PageUp key to scroll up in the console...

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lol i got a mental image of someone actully trying to read all the command list at once lol. i just wanted to post that, well like the other post said use pageup and pagedown.


also cool avatar docs the man


my favorite quote:


ahhhh the drunken piana playa, your probaly seeing double.


doc- well i got a gun for both of ya


(well it goes something like that)

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