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Please Help With Size


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Can someone please help me figure out how to change my size of my player bigger or very small? I use JediMods 3.0 and 1.1....and I've tried /mod_funsize # and /mod_scaleModels # with # being a number 2 or 2.0 or any other number. I just can't get it to work. Please explain this to me.

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The scaling isn't doon in-game. Go to (one of) the jedimod folders (\GameData\JediMod or something) and open the "tckmodels.cfg" file. In here, it's pretty obvious what to do. The file lists Model name, Model Size and Saber length.


So to get a bigger Kyle, replace


"Kyle" 1.0 1.0




"Kyle" 3.0 3.0 or something



PS. If you use a Model Size of 2.0 or bigger, you'll need to use the "noclip" cheat to "lift" the character from the ground, or he'll be stuck.

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Yeah but I've seen a couple of guys in this one game changing to big to small to huge to normal size....he could walk really huge without /noclips...and he was the same skin and model the whole time....he didn't exit the game once. I know he was the same model because I had his model skin. Please tell me how to do that. He said just type /funsize #. It worked for everyone else in game except me.

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What you witnessed is what on IRC we call a "script kiddie"... Scripts in the wrong hands can be used for cheating, but scripts can also be used to make it easier for you to do things... Like say you make a script that can change your bindings so you can easily change key styles in midgame to adjust your strategy, like say if you change from dark to light or visa versa then go die... normally you'd have to sit there and manually redo the bindings manually but a script could change it back and forth for you


But scripts can also be used to do things like change size, though I think it was a little more than him just running a command through the console with a script, it was quite possibly a modified jedimod that let him change his scaling like that... Either that or he kept changing his model...


I saw this one guy in a duel on my server switching between something I didn't have an yoda... I promptly booted him because I won't have dishonorable asses on my server!


I have my server being unpure simply to let people in who autodownload on and thus they can't play on my server because I used a personally modified JediMod++ 3.0, and if they don't have autodownload on they can't play because they don't have the mod properly if it's a pure server...

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Thanks for the info... I wasn't aware of any commands for changing size. Of course with the JediMods that have been coming out, just about anythings possible it seems.


Sitting down and the cartwheel are about the only things I really like anymore;)


What's your server.... might get the opportunity to check it out sometime. But please don't kick me if you see me switching between skins.... I am the SkinWalker.


Big Daddy SKin

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Originally posted by SkinWalker

Thanks for the info... I wasn't aware of any commands for changing size. Of course with the JediMods that have been coming out, just about anythings possible it seems.


Sitting down and the cartwheel are about the only things I really like anymore;)


What's your server.... might get the opportunity to check it out sometime. But please don't kick me if you see me switching between skins.... I am the SkinWalker.


Big Daddy SKin


the server's quite simply called Brina1... and I'd only kick you if I see you rapidly spamming model changes... specifically for tactical advantage in a duel...


the past few days I've had it offline because I seem to be having stability issues... not software stability but more like thunder storms keep either knocking out my power or the lightning keeps sending EMP bursts so strong they make the monitor flicker bright white for a few seconds making me unplug the computer and shut down and throw a bunch of tinfoil over the computer to shield it from the EMP...


I have no idea why EMP from lighting is that bad around here, just moved here in January. I've lived in 10 states and was raised in Europe... never seen thunderstorms THIS bad before... so rather than piss people off by disconnecting them without warning, I'm just not running the server unless I'm sure there won't be a storm for a day or so...


EMP sucks... Electro-Magnetic Pulse... it can fry computers which aren't even plugged into the wall if they're unshielded... which if you're as pathetically geeky as I am, you've forgotten where the cover to the case is...


where is that cover anyway? I lost it about some moves ago... tend to wander about the North American continent looking for a town that isn't filled with sub-human morons...


I tried Silicon Valley but the pasttime in the area I moved to was taking expensive pieces of electronics like say $700 stereo sytems and smashing the crap out of them... after which one of the people participating in the carnage, which lasted an entire hour, would get down, pick up a few bits of debri then drop the debri and clap their hands giddily while crouched down... seemed EXTREMELY chimp like to me... and these were the college students taking classes in engineering...


I'm like oh geeze, there's the future and there goes my sanity...


If you want an example of the monkey like behavior of people in Silicon Valley, check this out




If you don't know who Outrage is, they're the people who made the Descent series of games... Descent, Descent2, Descent3, and Descent3 Mercenary. Though for Descent and Descent2 they were called Parallax... but Parallax splitup into Volition and Outrage when the two founders couldn't agree on wether to make action games or sim games... one wanted to make Freespace and the other wanted to make Descent3... so they split up into Volition (Freespace... simulation games) and Outrage (Descent... action games).


To think that Outrage, the people who made such a cool game as Descent3 could possibly be THIS de-evolved!

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I feel your pain.... I've lost my share of modems to lightning strikes over the years. The first was a 1200 baud modem that cost me over a 100 bucks and you'd think I would've learned. But I've always been too geeky, myself, to bother unplugging or shutting down a connection (was going to say internet, but that was around then) when I left the machine or even the house.


In my Army days, we used specially shielded electronics to protect against Man-Made EMP events... hmmm maybe I should take a lesson.


BTW, are you in Montana, Texas, or Alabama (that seems to be where all of the severe weather is these days)?


tend to wander about the North American continent looking for a town that isn't filled with sub-human morons...


Must be Montana... since I've found that people are pretty much the same wherever you go, a state with the least population will statistically give you less morons ;)


Good luck finding your cover and I'll keep an eye out for your server!


Oh... just to keep this post on topic: I've discovered several JediMod 3 servers that use the size thing to give proportion to different models. Small size for Yoda, large for wookies and even Gungan models. I just downloaded these for when I'm on one of these types of servers (I'm sure the admin has to do a little scripting to assign sizes to models), but only so I can see the model the player is intending for me to see instead of tiny or huge Kyle default.


Man it's getting hectic trying to keep up with all of the mods, models, and skins. My /base folder is getting rather large. Oh, well.....




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Originally posted by SkinWalker

BTW, are you in Montana, Texas, or Alabama (that seems to be where all of the severe weather is these days)?

Texas, somewhere near Houston. Just as many morons around here but at least my finances (for the time being) are better than previous moves...

Oh... just to keep this post on topic: I've discovered several JediMod 3 servers that use the size thing to give proportion to different models. Small size for Yoda, large for wookies and even Gungan models.

I manually set the Gundam models to 2.0. I tried 2.4 but that was just too massive and they tended to get stuck in the floor... At 2.0 they can get through most doorways that they're too tall for if they crouch. And oddly the Shinra Mansion is almost totally open to a 2.0 Gundam. (not to be confused with Gungan heh). but if you switch to the Gundam model, you have to die after you do so or you WILL be stuck in the floor... but binding a key to the switch then jumping before switching would work fine...

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To change your size in the game a few things have to be done. The first is the server needs to have the ability to change size for the client turned on. The second is a simple command in the console.


/size (the number)


The number" is defaulted to values 0.6 to 1.5 on both Jedimod and Jediplus. If you want to change your size rapidly then you do need a script. As far as people changing size to take advantage in a fight or duel those are setting that are up to the admin.


In the Jedimod v1.2 release you have the ability to set a specific distance a person must be away from another player for a model change to happen. The default is 50, or about four feet. I set mine to 100 so you are not able to leap into an attack as a Reborn and then switch to Yoda to plant a lunge under someone.If you want a script for size changes you may want to look into the scripts section.


These changes have no effect on nor are they effected by the changes made by the admin to the size config. It all has to do with the size limits that are set before the server is started.

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