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Solution found to the saber-in-the-crotch problem!


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First off, i want to give NO LOVE to certain members of the modding community, who are more worried about writing and critiquing half-assed, barely-useful and mostly nonsensical "tutorials" than helping the JK2 community to enjoy this game to its fullest.


That said, onto business:


In trying to create NPCs for SP, you might have run into a problem whereby the saberhilt is rendered up the rear end of your NPC with the saber itself sticking up through the character's back. It's because of the following:


Lots of the user-made models have model_default.skin files which have no entries for wrists.

(e.g. r_hand_wrist,models/players/reborn/forc_torso.tga).


Without wrist entries in this file, JK2 doesn't know exactly where to put the saber. So even though you get saber sounds and the NPC is swinging away, the saber doesn't move.


So to resolve this, you could simply open up the original model_default.skin for reborn (models/players/reborn/model_default.skin) and copy-n-paste entries from this into your model_default.skin file for the NPC you're creating. Those entries should start with "r_hand_wrist" and "l_hand_wrist".


Barring that, you could type the enties into the new model_default.skin on your own:

"r_hand_wrist,models/players/reborn/forc_torso.tga", and



There ya go.

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Originally posted by Aeon

First off, i want to give NO LOVE to certain members of the modding community, who are more worried about writing and critiquing half-assed, barely-useful and mostly nonsensical "tutorials" than helping the JK2 community to enjoy this game to its fullest.


That was obviously directed right at me. I was trying to help people when I wrote my tutorial. If you don't like my tutorial, don't bitch about it, go write another one and stop being a selfish ass hole. I have absolutly no obligation to the community to provide any kind of help at all. People should be lucky to get any tutorials from anyone. I help people, and all people do in return is whine. I was thinking about improving my tutorial, but no, not after #### like what you do.


Having said that, congradulations on your solution.

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i thought your tutorial was really simple; i just think that whole method, with renaming models and all that crap to be tedious and stupid, but hell if it came from raven, then whatever


yeah as far as hindsight goes, im surprised no one thought of finding a tag in skin files before for that thing

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Originally posted by Emon

The model renaming thing will work, but there's ways so you don't have to. But like I said, no one appreciates me helping so I won't bother updating my tutorial.


This is exactly what i'm talking about. This isn't about being appreciated; this isn't a popularity contest, buddy. Frankly, your attitude sucks; whether it's replying to questions or critiques. People have been in those threads asking questions, which could - by your own admission - have been easily answered by you. If for no other reason than that other people with the same questions could simply refer to the thread.


I'm not singling you out, however. The people who have been arguing with you, and who also seem to have solutions to certain problems are too busy arguing with you to share them. But i'm not going to have this debate with you. So this is all i'll say on the subject; if you learn something, then fine. If not, no skin off my nose.

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You don't seem to understand. The reason I'm not going to bother updating is because people can't appreciate the fact that I help them. I give them help, it's not the right answer so people go, "Hey what the hell why aren't you dedicating all your time to just me?? Ur such a prick emon u don't help ppl enough" and #### like that. I have NO obligation to help ANYONE, and since no one can appreciate me helping at all, I just won't bother anymore.


In short, if you want me to truely help, don't be a selfish little ass hole and think I should spend my time and go out of my way helping you when I have better things to do.

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Hey jackass:


I don't care if you help or not. I could not possibly care less. The only thing you're interested in is having people kiss your validation-seeking ass. And the reason you're "not going to bother updating" is because you want to spite the people who have made you feel less than adequate.


So be mad, take your ball and go home or whatever; that's fine. I don't give a ####. You haven't helped me yet, and there is now some serious doubt as to whether you ever would have.


LMAO, and he's calling me selfish? Kiss my ass.

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What the HELL are you talking about?? I don't care how popular I am, that's a load of crap! Maybe you don't know what appreciate means.


ap·pre·ci·ate Pronunciation Key (-prsh-t)

v. ap·pre·ci·at·ed, ap·pre·ci·at·ing, ap·pre·ci·ates

v. tr.

To recognize the quality, significance, or magnitude of: appreciated their freedom.

To be fully aware of or sensitive to; realize: I appreciate your problems.

To be thankful or show gratitude for: I really appreciate your help.

To admire greatly; value.

To raise in value or price, especially over time.


My point is that I rarely ever get any thanks for my help, instead I get selfish responses and flames of why my methods don't work and why I am not sitting at my PC 24/7 trying to come up with a solution for someone else. People ask for help, I help them in what ways I can, and they get mad I cannot help them more. This is why I will not bother updating my tutorials, because it's obvious no one can appreciate my help, so they certantly aren't going to get any more of it.

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Yeah, you said that already. I didn't care before, and i don't care now. You wanna leave? Quit bitching about how your daddy never hugged you and get lost already. I'm sure not gonna miss ya.


But before you go, you whiney little turd, let me impart something to you:


If you're helping people in the expectation that they will love you and call you god, you're doing it for the wrong reasons. You don't pull someone out of a burning building and then bitch when they don't say thanks; and you definitely don't walk away the next time you see someone trapped in a burning building.


Well, you do. You small, small person. So you know what? I'll accomodate you:


Thank you, and piss off.

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pls choose another place to flame each other, real jedi knights don't bitch with words, they take it like men and fight it in a little deathmatch :lsduel:



and Aeon your very last postings are kind of childish, first learn to argument in the right way, its not the proper attitude here in the forum to get too personal in your words, you know what i'm talking about


back to the original content, thanks for the tips

i appreciate that :)

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Maybe an all-round contructive way forward:


Simply because someone would like some thanks for what they do to help others does not mean that their motivation for doing it is to 'get' thanks, respect, praise, or whatever. However, it is still nice to get those things.


Of course you don't pull someone out of a burning building because you want their thanks, and of course you would do it again even if someone didn't thank you. However, if you rescued numerous people from burning buildings, didn't get any thanks and was criticised for the way you did it, you would not feel good and would want that appreciation, even if that wasn't your motivation.


I say this without knowing the background to the dispute or help or otherwise rendered by either person, but from looking at your arguments, it seems as though your primary difference was to do with the question of motivation.


Anyway, I'll leave it at that and bow out now.

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Thanks, Mr. Tim, I know what you mean. I've got some good friends of mine which I've helped a lot on their editing stuff, and even if they don't thank me I know they appreciated it. But here, here people get pissed at me because I don't help enough.

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Originally posted by Aeon

Are you still here? I thought you were going to take your ball and go home. Quit lousing up this thread.


Hey, you're the one who brought it up in the first place, I had no problem with you.

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no offense Aeon but I have more respect for Emon than I do for you. This entire thread seems to revolve around you trashing him and his attitude.


I hate his attitude too, but there's a lot of mutually beneficial information we've been able to provide each other, and for that he has my respect.


In all honesty, it seems like you are aiming for a popularity deal just by posting here and continuously trying to "show up" Emon. Why? I don't know. All it sounds like to me is that you are providing better information and Emon just has an attitude. It's all about politics. Now drop it, both of you, and grow up.

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Originally posted by -Chrono_MOT-

no offense Aeon but I have more respect for Emon than I do for you. This entire thread seems to revolve around you trashing him and his attitude.


I hate his attitude too, but there's a lot of mutually beneficial information we've been able to provide each other, and for that he has my respect.


In all honesty, it seems like you are aiming for a popularity deal just by posting here and continuously trying to "show up" Emon. Why? I don't know. All it sounds like to me is that you are providing better information and Emon just has an attitude. It's all about politics. Now drop it, both of you, and grow up.


Well, the difference between me and Emon is that i don't give a sh*t whether you respect me or not. I didn't post this to garner any respect, and i don't know you well enough for your "respect" - or lack thereof - to mean anything to me.


No offense.

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heh..none taken. though if you continue to post all you will do is prove us all right. I don't need to have your respect, I'm not some internet kid who needs people's attention. I don't care if you like me or not. Frankly, I don't care if anyone likes me. You either accept me the way I am or you have no place in my life, simple as that. Seeing as how we are all veterans of this forum and you've only just surfaced, that should tell you something.

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Well, the difference between me and Emon is that i don't give a sh*t whether you respect me or not. I didn't post this to garner any respect, and i don't know you well enough for your "respect" - or lack thereof - to mean anything to me.



ever thought that maybe Emon feels the same way?


hey didnt i tell you to get off this thread?


btw, i dont like emons attitude either, hes a stubborn-lunk-head, but hes a great knowledge base, and thats a reason to respect him (and others here)


and in defense of Aeon, he/she seems to be a respectful newbie, just let their feelings out; i felt the same way when i was a newbie on these forums, what, a whole 2 months ago? :p

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