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Scary day.

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I had a very big scare today. I was my room house when the phone in my room I'm sleeping in starts ringing. My grandma yells "pick it up it might be the hospital!" I half asleep and don't know what the hell is going on. What does the hospital concern my grandma so much? I answer and know one is their. Bastards. So I go in the living room and see my grandma panicking? I'm thinking "where's my grandfather?" So anyway I ask her what's going on. She says he's at the hospital. She says that he was coughing and wheezing around 3:30. She said that he took of my asthma medicine and still wasn't feeling well and goes to the hospital. I'm shocked because he's been relatively healthy his whole life. My grandma is panicking because she can't find out if he's alright. She calls my dad to go over to see if he's alright. She also tells my cousin, two aunts and two uncles. Right after she got of the phone with my father(she was using two phones at a time) the nurse tells her that he's alright and that they're waiting for some heart test results. Everything alright for now. about an half hour later she calls again to see if they got the results. The nurse sorta rushed her telling her to check thirty minutes later. She calls and the nurse rushes her off the phone saying that she has a patient right now. So me and my grandmother go over to see if he's alright. We go over and he's alright. He's hooked up for a KEG, blood pressure thingy, the finger thing and this needle is still in his arm incase they need to give him more medicine. He said that some luqiuid is his leg rushed to his lungs while his was asleep and caused him breathing problems. They wanted to check his heart because they wanted know if he had a congesitive heart faliure from pumping the luquid to his lungs. So they finally let him out at around 11:30. He was there seven and a half hours. :| I'm glad he's alright, couldn't bare the fact of losing him, he's played too much of a role in my life. But I'm glad he's alright.


The weird thing somehow, inside, I knew he was alright, but outside I was worried as hell. But like I said he is alright and doing fine now.

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