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WIP: Neo Anderson


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There's no such person as "Neo Anderson".


That's like calling me "dreddnott Smith".


His "real" name is Thomas Anderson, his hacker alias and the name he uses to separate himself from the Matrix is "Neo".


I'm cruel...but I would like to see some pictures! :)

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Agreed on pictures, not that we don't want you to work on it and post a WIP thread here, but far too many WIPs have come up that either turn out to be hoaxes, or get abandoned before anyone gets to see anything, or are people saying "I'm making So and So. Now, tell me how to model, cause I just got my brand new WebTV system, and I'm sure it's really fast and powerful!" I don't know which I find more annoying, the hoaxes, or the people that say they have a Work In Progress when they not only haven't started (indicating it is not In Progress), but they don't even have the tools or ability yet to accomplish it :)


Anywho... hope to see some pics real soon (I would post SOMETHING, even really early work today or tomorrow, or people will start tearing this thread apart :) If made properly, Neo could be converted into various other characters through skinning :)

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ok im real sorry about this i didnt know i had to have pics to post a WIP but i promise ill post at least 1 in couple hrs and ill prolly post it using a new thread, thx to someone who told me about the wrong name

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About time someone got a Matrix skin. Or at least this is the first I heard. There are a few good maps that people made but this is the first skin that I've heard of. Maybe I'm not loking hard enough. Maybe for a taunt something like this:


A) Whoa

B) There is no spoon

C) I am the one

D) My name.. is Neo


Something like that. Hope to see this thing soon. Good luck!

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taunts already? are you bonkers!! he hasnt even posted his first pic!! give him a little time to actually model->weight->unwrap->skin->import into game before you even think about sounds


oh and not to be rude, but these are MODELS in this forum, SKINS go into the SKINS forum....just thought i'd clear that up :)

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