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Why does everyone hate FF?


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I have noticed that most people have ALWAYS hated Full Force. Why is this?



Im an elite or good ffer and i win most of my matches, then when i win everyone says, well ff is cheap.


Is there anyone else who dosent think this?


PS: If you want a good FF game contact me on the MSN Gaming Zone, my name is SD_HaVoK.

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In my opinion, FF is a "good thing" (LOL, Martha Stewart is funny), and I always use jedi master force in my servers. I can't really play with other people online, as the computer that I play it on has a screwed up internet! DAMN


Okay, I feel better now! :p Anyhow, I hope that I can get the internet to work soon!

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FF takes a lot more time investment to properly learn than NF dueling. Not only do you have to learn the saber combat that comes w/ NF dueling, but you also have to learn the counters and proper defenses for the various Force based attacks.


Now throw in the variable of having to defend against opponents running at 2X speed, shooting lightning, throwing sabers, pulling you across the map and into a kick, and several other Force based attacks, and it's not difficult to see why people get frustrated with it.


You have to always keep one thing in mind about the JO community; most players will simply give up and cry "Lame/Gay/Noob/Cheap/Spam" rather than investing the time to learn the counters.


Every single patch was brought about by players who spent more time crying than learning, every single patch had the sole purpose of weakening some element of the games attack options, and every single time the same people found something new to cry about.


You think that is a joke?

Look at all the new "Blue stance lunge Spammer/Kick whore" posts.

Two of the simplest moves in the game to avoid, yet they still whine.


There are two types of FF duelers. The "Headless Force Chickens" and the pro/comp level duel players.

You will never see a HFC pull off a saber throw>pull>pull+kick>DFA combo, yet the players that can do moves like that always seem to get lumped in with the HFC crowd.

Any NF duelers who doubt the level of skill required in FF dueling, go and try to pull that combo off "on the fly" against an experienced FF duel player. 90% of them won't even make it to the second part of the combo.



I'm not knocking NF dueling, it can be and is fun, but compared to FF duels, the pace is so ridiculously slow and the range of attacks is so simple that I just can't play it for long without becoming bored.


The bottom line is, it requires you to learn and develop the ability to implement defenses that are not required in NF duels. It requires you to develop the ability to implement these defenses almost immediately when attacked due to the faster nature of FF dueling.


Now that said, keep in mind that the same people who cry "cheap" are the same people who could not figure out how to stop a simple pull/backstab combo in v1.03.

It is not hard to see why this form of play is not enjoyed by the masses.


Too complex, too fast, they die quick, they flame and complain.

It's the way things have been with this community since day 1, you just have to ignore it and seek out players that are on your level of ability.

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Originally posted by SD_HaVoK

I have noticed that most people have ALWAYS hated Full Force. Why is this?



Im an elite or good ffer and i win most of my matches, then when i win everyone says, well ff is cheap.


Is there anyone else who dosent think this?


PS: If you want a good FF game contact me on the MSN Gaming Zone, my name is SD_HaVoK.




I happen to like FF. Though I don't mind playing with PF, either. Some people just can't play with force so they're given this option.

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"Now throw in the variable of having to defend against opponents running at 2X speed, shooting lightning, throwing sabers, pulling you across the map and into a kick, and several other Force based attacks, and it's not difficult to see why people get frustrated with it. "


Using Absorb would get rid of 90% of ones problems in that case. Add heal to it and all you need to do is keeping your force bar above 3 bars and trying not to get hit too often.

If your oponent doesn't have heal you win the fight 85% of the time. *s*


I really like that combination.




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It's very simple.


It's easier for a good player to kill a scrub if he has his force powers.


If it's no-force, the scrub can run around swinging like a madman, and live slightly longer. In his mind, no-force is the only real "skill" in the game. All force powers are cheap.


Read this article...it's not about JKII, but the player mentality is the same.


Play to Win


Read this, you'll see why people hate force powers.

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Well I'm sure "Everyone" doesn't hate it, or they wouldn't keep making games where you could have a ridiculous amount of Force powers.


Even Obi-Wan (when it was for PC) was going to have mucho force in MP, even though it was going to have low neutral-only force in SP.


The fact is, FF takes a different kind of strategy than low or NF, and people who are semi-expert at it agree that it takes more skill to master and keep ahead in the FF game than in the lower force levels most of the time.


It could be that new players feel overwhelmed by the number of forces. Perhaps they don't realize the counters, and fall into the "that power is cheap, I won't play in games that use it" etc, trap.


Others seem feel that role playing NF saber is the only way to go, and so they just spend their time dueling.


I think that enough experienced players enjoy FF that we needn't worry. Try to introduce this (I find, highly fulfilling) mode of play to naysayers... encourage them to give it a try and learn the counters. Point them to sites like mine (I admit, I need to update for the patches, but you get the idea): http://strategy.jediknightii.net and others.


In a "real fight" high level Jedi/Sith would hold NOTHING back, so I find it more exciting. Sure, I like NF duels on occasion, but that's not the reason I bought the games. ; )

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Playing with forces is much more interesting and realistic. After all jedi are supossed to use the force.


I like full force on all gametypes except for duel. For duel I like neutral powers only.


The idea of playing without any force power is absurd to me. I guess its good for people who don't know how to use it and don't want to learn but its not for me. It does take skill to use force and you have to master many more kays on the keyboard.


If you don't want force go play on a NF server. If you play on a force server and don't use force then you are at a great disadvantage and you just gotta laugh at people who start a duel by asking NF NK (no force no kick). These folks usually throw whore all over the place. So then I usualy just pull kick em and finish em with a heavy chop. Then they cry that I used force. Heh you just have to laugh at them! I wish I could find more GOOD players to play against.

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With one player using Absorb, FF duels really boil down to saber fights that have the occasional kick and saber throw... If all Force Powers are useless against an Absorber, what dark jedi in their right mind would still use their powers?


If it's Light Jedi v Light Jedi, both players test their skill of... being ABSORBENT! Basically as soon as both players realize they are absorbing, they will just settle it with killing each other with sabers without using any other force power besides self affecting ones like Heal or Protect... it's a standstill.


If it's Light jedi v Dark jedi, Light jedi would win as long as he has sufficient saber skill and absorb on...


Dark jedi v Dark jedi is supposedly interesting since both players have full, effective force at their finger tips..


Jedi v Mercs also interesting to see how jedi can utilize their effective force powers against people who can't defend against it.



This said I like NF and/or with jump enabled Dueling and any other game type (mostly play FFA) with FF.

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Well.. my opinion on why there's not many of these anymore is because of the simple fact.


Sabers don't do as much damage as they used to, remember in 1.2 and 1.3? 90% of the servers were FF. That's because sabers were dangerous, and people needed powers to help stay alive. Problem now a days is, people heal faster than they inflict damage in most cases. Particularlly dark sided players with Drain. They'll run backwards healing full before attacking again, then do it over and over until the other guy is dead. Basically it makes duels last way too damn long. I prefer FF too, but not like this. Drain wars remains me of 1.2, where everyone was Dark, whoever Drained first usually won heh. That's kind of how it is now. But... that's my view anyway.


I miss old FF servers to be honest, but I can see why most are now NF or selected force.


Personally, I like neutral force power servers. With only force powers allowed are Jump, pull, push, speed, seeing. Those are fun, real fun.

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Also, I think making a server FF or high selected force, should also increase the saber damage. That way people will inflict more damage than the person can heal. Therefore doing away with the problem that duels take forever and people abuse healing/drain.

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Originally posted by Arceri

Drain wars remains me of 1.2, where everyone was Dark, whoever Drained first usually won heh. That's kind of how it is now. But... that's my view anyway.

Very true.

Drain is the one and only power (well pull+kick rules too) you need in v1.04 (well FF duels at least).


Please before anyone chimes in with "Use Absorb", let me tell you why it is utterly useless unless fighting a "Lightning Headless Chicken".


A smart Dark sider won't drain you; he lets you deplete your own power.

I keep my distance and use ranged attacks like pull+saber throws to frustrate you into becoming the aggressor.

You move in I drill you with a pull+kick, If I knock you down, you get a saber tossed into your backside.

It is really not hard to knock an opponent down to 40-50% health using these moves only.

Now, you look at your health and say "I better Heal".

Guess what?

I want you to.

Yeah you may be back at or near full health, but due to the insanely high cost of Heal (in Force power) you just screwed yourself by depleting your Force pool.


The thing about Drain that makes it so powerful is even when you hold down the key and waste your power, you can still do short blasts at 1 1/2 second intervals by simply holding down the key.

All I have to do is move in, hold down Drain, kick you, back away and repeat.

You have no power for Absorb, can't get away with speed, and can’t toss a saber at me.

You get lucky and land a kick or a low damage saber swing, I step back out of hit range, short blast until I am healed and move back in. The whole time keeping you defenseless due to the long range of level 3 drain.


While we both regenerate at the same speed, what good is 2 seconds of absorb, you can't get away fast enough, you come at me, you have to get close because all you can do is saber or kick. A little running to keep the distance on my part, the second I hear Absorb run out, I turn and nail you with drain again. The difference is I don't have to be close to hit you with it.


I don't know how many times I have seen Light siders frantically scrambling away just so they can get a few points regenerated for Absorb.

Waste of time.

Even if you do get Absorb turned on all I have to do is wait it out, you don't regenerate Force while in Absorb but I do while I am waiting. It runs out, you are empty again, you get nailed with a blast of Lightning and I start draining again.


Light side is not impossible to play; the users are just put into the same position v1.03 Dark side players were in.

You really have to think and play smart, not only to live, but just to stay alive.

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if they use lightning use absorb or drain


if they use drain use absorb or attack him once he deplete his force


you can hear absorb so dont use force powers when its turned on, and let them waste their force. use force when they turn absorb off


Force adds a new dimension to fights as it gives it so much more options and possibilty. This depth makes FF enjoyable in its own way

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Originally posted by thehomicidalegg

if they use lightning use absorb or drain


if they use drain use absorb or attack him once he deplete his force


you can hear absorb so dont use force powers when its turned on, and let them waste their force. use force when they turn absorb off


Force adds a new dimension to fights as it gives it so much more options and possibilty. This depth makes FF enjoyable in its own way


Well stated before. Absorb isn't really a counter for Drain. Absorb may block the healing part of Drain, but it doesn't completely block (and by NO means does it absorb it) the draining force pool part of it. This means since Drain requires less force pool to use in a short burst than it does to turn on Absorb, that Drain can be abused indefinately.


By simply making absorb cost slightly more force pool power but giving it the ability to actually ABSORB Drain's power output, that would more likely balance out the force powers overall.

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Actually, others have said this and I agree, Drain should "drain" but not heal.


So a Dark sider can't heal, big deal.

He can still keep the Light side player from doing it, so there is balance.


Right now, you have a Light side player who can Heal twice, then no more once the Drain assault starts.

In the game's current form, a Dark side player can heal (short amounts) even as he moves in for every attack on the defenseless Light side user.



This change would give the drained Light sider more of a chance to "Rambo" the Dark sider who is draining him.

Right now it's simply a waste of time unless you land a DFA because any attack you land he heals in a few seconds.

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