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Frontal kick ... it's a bug.


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Originally posted by Canis_Aureus

lol I can go on forever kicking... I can avoid your attacks as well... if you do attack you make yourself vulnerable... I don't as a kicker... I think you just haven't met anyone who are really good at this. and avoid it... I can stand fairly still and when you get close enough to attack I just kick... I don't have to charge. With a script you won't see me kicking... it's done so fast you can't even blink... so please stop talking about things you don't really understand... I can run up to you and continue chasing you... you can attack me but I am defending... when I am within kicking distance I tap my kick script button and you loose some health and perhaps fall to the ground... and I don't make myself vulnerable at any point... I can turn in the air too you know, so trying to get around to where you can attack me isn't that easy. But I am glad you haven't met anyone yet who uses the pul+kick script to get 1337 with servers and 0wn as they say :D


So ya .. I was talkin about you. And i said idiot posts. I didnt say idiots. But like most of you idiots, you like to pick apart posts in some kinda attempt to make yourself look better. Your a gay kickscript abuser. DIE ALREADY! Go brag somewhere else. Im sure id destroy you.

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Originally posted by DarthCobra


So ya .. I was talkin about you. And i said idiot posts. I didnt say idiots. But like most of you idiots, you like to pick apart posts in some kinda attempt to make yourself look better. Your a gay kickscript abuser. DIE ALREADY! Go brag somewhere else. Im sure id destroy you.




Either you deliberatetly ripped that out of context or you simply failed to understand it... either way comenting on your post beyond what I have already done is a waste of my time... bye now.

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Like to quote do you. Yet another quoting idiot. You say i take it outta context but i dont see how i could have done that. You have a signature that says scripts are the path to the gayside and you post scripts. You say repling is a waste of time, yet you continue to reply. Man why are ppl such idiots on this forum.

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Originally posted by DarthCobra

Like to quote do you. Yet another quoting idiot. You say i take it outta context but i dont see how i could have done that. You have a signature that says scripts are the path to the gayside and you post scripts. You say repling is a waste of time, yet you continue to reply. Man why are ppl such idiots on this forum.

THATS IT!Im calling the moderator.*calls moderator*

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Originally posted by DarthCobra

And another quoting idiot. What is wrong with you ppl. Do you think we are all so stupid as to not be able to see the last post without you quoting it again. Go call the ****in moderator. Maybe he will close this really stupid thread.

Darthcobra's just begging to be banned.What do you think,moderators and online people.

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Okay, the ****ing moderator is here. Everybody just relax a bit. Their is no need to flame people for their opinion. Just debate the issue like civil people, please.


Cobra and everyone else invloved are being warned. This thread will stay open unless the issue can be debated in a friendly manner.

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Nah I'm good :p But mod should make it policy to pm users when warning them, but that'd probably be to much work when your over worked w/ closing, movings, and warnings aleady.




Anyway...I guess I could say a couple more things about kicking.



Yes, the kick animation is kinda crappy. What I want is to make it sorta like this wrestling move I saw once(No I don't like weastling, so don't even get me started on that). Basicly the kicker would jump up and kick the person with both feet, then fall to the ground. It could made to be like the medium special when you'd have to line up for it to work, and if you missed you'd be thrown to the ground, while they can slice u up when getting up. Although it'd look very unjedi-like it would bring balance to the move and make it a move thats not right for every situation.


Oh course then damage and knock down probablity would have to be knocked up too.

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Darthcobra, it's people like you who whine about quoting that ruin the boards! Because of people like you, we got vBulletin Version 2.2.5. vBulletin 2.2.4 was awesome, but no, whiners had to get the patch! Just keep whining about the "quoting idiots" and we'll get vBulletin 2.2.6 with nerfed quoting, and then this board will go right down the drain!

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Originally posted by FatalStrike


sure I'll do that right after you try getting hit with a saber 3 times and still being alive and kickin! Or how about taking a rocket to the chin and still killing the guy that hit you with said rocket?


Realism is not going to appease even half of the players of this game. Realism would mean every laser blast to the head after your shields are gone kills you, every saber hit (any stance) removes a portion of your body. Being push off a ledge would leave your player in a wheel chair.


So please no more "what would really happen statements" lets not forget we are speaking of a game!


Yes. And I'm tired of people preaching that "realism doesn't make fun". Realism and fun aren't opposites. How would you like it if jedi's in the game wielded blowtorches? Not that fun now is it?


I believe that this game intends to be somwhat of a jedi-simulator. Now, some people will come and bitch about that it isn't, simply because action is the first priority, and a simulator isn't what was desired. I agree, but the developers *did* try to make it moviefaithful, and they *did* try to give you that "jedi-feeling".


About realism: Yes, it's oh so damn much fun to have to take a piss in the game, or you have to watch your lovelife, or remember to put on the right jedi-clothes each day, just so you could feel it's real. Just like the sims. That is too much realism, and unneeded realism.

But if it wasn't for "realism", we would still be sitting and playing pong for christs sake! Game developers add "realism" to their game to make the simulation more real, and allows you to feel closer to the person you are supposed to be playing.


Ask yourself: Why didn't the devs add "force vomit" to the game? Because it would ruin the whole feel of being a jedi, and the game wouldn't starwars as much as it would be something stupidly else.


Yes, blasters should probably kill in one hit if it was real, and lightsabers so. But the sabers in the game can still cut someone's arm off no? And the jedi you are playing can still parry with jedi reflexes.

Would you like to be able to spit on your enemy in this game? It would be quite fun no? How about farting? Or blowing purple bubbles out of your own mouth which after 3 seconds turn into a nuclear explosion that destroys all life on the life. Now that would be funny as hell no? Well, the devs didn't add it did they, though I'm sure they thought it was funny as hell too.


The moral of this silly preach is this:

Realism and fun don't rule each other out, but sometimes people have to make a compromise between the two. Sometimes it's a good compromise, and sometimes it's a bad one - like kicking.

Yes, I find the kicking in this game both hilarious and ridiculous at the same time, but definately not realistic. As "fun" as it is to be kickspammed, I still feel it's incredibly silly.


It's always the same old song whenever someone feels a certain part of a game is "unrealistic": People come from all around the world to flame him and say that it's silly to wish for even a tiny bit more realism - it will ruin the game.

-I decide that the lightsabers damage should be upped so they are more realistic.

Flaming response: You can't do that! If you do, we will have to make it so that the blasters kills you in one hit! And if you do that, then we'll have to implement manual blocking! And a sh*t-o-meter! And you should only be allowed to carry one weapon at a time! And...


Sheeeeeez, realism doesn't destroy a game in any way, but it doesn't necessarily make it any better either. It is ALL about how you friggin' implement the damn realism. You can do it two ways:


The good way.

The bad way.


So long.

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Originally posted by cjais


Yes. And I'm tired of people preaching that "realism doesn't make fun". Realism and fun aren't opposites. How would you like it if jedi's in the game wielded blowtorches? Not that fun now is it?


Good idea blowtorches would be really fun!


Originally posted by cjais

I believe that this game intends to be somwhat of a jedi-simulator. Now, some people will come and bitch about that it isn't, simply because action is the first priority, and a simulator isn't what was desired. I agree, but the developers *did* try to make it moviefaithful, and they *did* try to give you that "jedi-feeling".



My point was that the argument "make it more real" can be used to justify many unfavorable changes. Much like your protest to kicking. Just because you don't like it, please don't try to justify your whine by saying its for the sake of realism.




Originally posted by cjais

About realism: Yes, it's oh so damn much fun to have to take a piss in the game, or you have to watch your lovelife, or remember to put on the right jedi-clothes each day, just so you could feel it's real. Just like the sims. That is too much realism, and unneeded realism.


Must you take things to the extreme to justify your point? I only used example from in the game you took it to "pissing" Fine I can play that game to.... Why not remove kicks, saber lunges, Medium DFA, red DFA (whats left of it) and saber throws. Lets remove EVERYTHING that could possibly be spammed by anyone, just to ensure YOU have some fun. Stop being so touchy! If you don't like kicking TOO BAD, someone might not like your style but they shouldn't suggest removing moves because they don't like it.



Originally posted by cjais

But if it wasn't for "realism", we would still be sitting and playing pong for christs sake!


If it wasn't for realism we'd be playing pong? Do you really believe that? *sigh*



Originally posted by cjais

Ask yourself: Why didn't the devs add "force vomit" to the game? Because it would ruin the whole feel of being a jedi, and the game wouldn't starwars as much as it would be something stupidly else.


Once again I ONLY MENTIONED REALISM ISSUES THAT ARE IN THE GAME NOW. I did not say that it should be so Unreal as to be ridiculous.


Originally posted by cjais

The moral of this silly preach is this:

Realism and fun don't rule each other out, but sometimes people have to make a compromise between the two. Sometimes it's a good compromise, and sometimes it's a bad one - like kicking.

Yes, I find the kicking in this game both hilarious and ridiculous at the same time, but definately not realistic. As "fun" as it is to be kickspammed, I still feel it's incredibly silly.


The moral? I think you mean the "Point" as you have shown no "moral" value in this post. But anyway...


I agree that you have to find a middle ground but you are basing your argument on personal dislike, not on what should be reasonably acceptable. You are using this to justify nerfing yet another move in this game.




Originally posted by cjais

Sheeeeeez, realism doesn't destroy a game in any way, but it doesn't necessarily make it any better either. It is ALL about how you friggin' implement the damn realism. You can do it two ways:


The only thing that makes a game better or worse is the game-play. Is it fun? Is it challenging? Does it impress the audience? and what Raven has forgotten ... How much room is there to improve? (1.04 in my opinion has lowered the as good as you can get ceiling, there was a much bigger difference in good and bad players in 1.02)

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Errrrrrrr..... :eek:


Right now you are impossible to argue with, you didn't get any of my points at all, and trying to shadowbox me to death doesn't help your opinion one bit.


This thread is completely roasted and toasted anyway, I should have expected this...

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I once played with a guy that would rather side kick me in the ribs than deal a 30pt + amount of damage in a side swing with the saber to the same area.


Shows you how much the saber is disrespected now ;_;.


Against a true Spam kicker who does Forward kicks; my advice is if he kicks you in the face once DO NOT ENGAGE HIM AGAIN. Running straight towards him makes the job easier... just pick yourself off the ground, back off and gather whats left of your pride :p


Instead vary your movements so as to avoid heading towards him straight on, just like against a Heavy Swing/DFA or trying to avoid lock on with Medium Finisher or Disruptor... strafe strafe!

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