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Something a bot showed me...


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It was late at night and I was checking out my new Team Yoda bot on the standard Masassi Temple FFA level. Late so my own creativity wasn't very high... But still you never really expect a bot to teach you anything...


What happened was I chased Yoda to the center of the topside of the temple and he picked up the rocket launcher an immediately mindtricked me... I'm usually able to fight bots that mindtrick by just keeping a constant Force Grip out and hope it latches onto them... Oh sure I know about Force Sight but I have little use for it when I'm playing without guns, just grip the mindtrick monkey and chuck them off a catwalk, problem solved.


Well, this time, the little Yoda had a rocket launcher and he shoved a pair of rockets down my throat, or rather at the beaned me in the back of the head with them... Sure, I could've thrown them back at him but he was BEHIND me and only about 20 feet away, no chance to react... I heard the the second one and I turned Force Speed on and just ran but the thing kept up and my force pool was out from draining the little green twerp's force, so my speed ran out after 3 seconds. Another 2 seconds later and I was dead...


Needless to say, if you have a rocketlauncher and Mindtrick, get close and get them from behind... My sister refuses to play with me if I play lightside with guns on now... I mean, unless you keep Force Sight on all the time, you never know if someone's mindtricking you especially if they were behind you or did it from so far away you couldn't see them to begin with...

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Neat tip Brina!!


Of course, you could also simply flick on mindtrick and then get the hell away from it all :(.... it's my usual tactic... ahem... :rolleyes:


What the bots have learned *me* is that it's a good idea to flee like a chicken whenever you are confronted with a guy using the saber... damn sissies... :mad:

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