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Light Side - Too Weak?


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I've been playing this game for about a month now, and I've come to a conclusion. I think the light side is not balanced at all. The only good force power with the light side in my opinion is Mind Trick. If anyone else feels this way, how do you think we could improve the light side or nerf the dark side to make the forces more balanced?

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Alow me to solve this discussion...You're wrong.



Absorb- Possibly the most powerful and over used force power in the game. It Not only blocks every force power it also feels you a crap load of force in doing so.


Heal- Ok this one is kinda bad. half your force power for like 15 health points when a person using drain can use all their force power and heal 3x as much and make you forceless. But its still useful.


Protect- Reduces all damage you take. Wtf I'd use this.


TeamHeal- Useless in duels and ffa but it still has its uses.

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ROFL a Month and you didn't think about using absorb?


Light side forces you to be aggressive with your sabering before said Force power above ^^^^ runs out, while dark side makes you run like a pansie while draining or lightning.


Try turning on Absorb and Protection together; temporary GOD mode.


Level 3 Heal isn't so bad, when you find a shadowed corner you can heal up to one medpack of health (25) for half your force pool... this is good in FF Duels or Jedi V Merc when you cant pick up medpacks...


Noob dark sider wouldn't be able to beat a noob lightsider who knows what absorb does.

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Yeah, I'd have to agree with the others; the Light Side is really superior to the Dark Side. Strangely enough, I find that the only power you enjoy on the Light Side, the mindtrick, is nearly useless - why put stars into a force power that somebody can counter with only a single star in Force Seeing? The only way I would use it is when launching a sneak attack, but even then, if the opponent is halfway competent, the amount of force you'd use activating the power is not worth the little damage you'd deal to him before he flipped on Seeing.

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Only thing that makes Dark more powerful than Light is, Drain. Absorb doesn't block nor absorb drain. It only blocks the healing part of the power. So you still lose power from using absorb, but drain speeds it up a tiny bit. While someone spamming the hell out of drain can make a light player person eventually run out of force pool power. Then spamming drain continously so they're always out of force power. That keeps them healed and you pretty much powerless.


I think that's the only problem that unbalances Light and Dark really. Light is meant for defensively minded players, like it's meant to be. Meant for defense, never for attack. Notice that none of the powers are offensive. Most of Dark are offensive. So whoever posted being Light means you should be agressive, got it backwards. But he was right to a degree, you have to be agressive with a Dark sided Drain spammer, because you have no other choice, because they'll just run backwards all day draining you.


My solution to this problem is. Make absorb actually absorb the force power put into the Drain attacking the user, like every other power. BUT, make Absorb cost more force pool power per tick (not by a whole lot, just a little more than it is now). That should make it pretty balanced overall.


Then it just matters on the skill of the player.

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And as for Mind trick. Mind trick was never intented to be used in a Duel or something. It shines in team-based gameplay, like CTF, team CTF ect. Mostly CTF for recon, ect. I've seen people use Mind trick to huge success on maps to stop flag cappers and such. It just depends on who uses it. But you're right if someone sees it coming, it's easy to counter. But I've never seen someone running around all the time with seeing on all the time, so... you have to have a feeling for someone using it, for seeing to be useful.


But I agree, mind trick in duel is pretty worthless. But then again 90% of the duel servers are nf now anyway...

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hmm i dont think you can have absorb and protect on at the same time can you,


as for drain, im not sure if they changed it or not since 1.03 but if bothsides have lvl 3 absorb does not gain force from drain but doesnt loose force either, drainer also doesnt gain health. besides, if you are just using drain for reducing the other person's force pool it isnt very effective unless u start of with a substantial advantage in the beginning: 1.5 pts i think it was to drain 1 pts from them


back to the main point of the post, i think it depends on playing style, if you wish to use force powers aggressively directly, then darkside is your style, if you wish to USE the focepowers to HELP you play aggressively, light is better:)

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Dammit Homicedalegg, I wanted to be the one to say that you can't use Absorb and Protect at the same time! But, you beat me to it. Which makes me wonder about this line by Psionic Jedi---

Try turning on Absorb and Protection together; temporary GOD mode.
Did you do this in a mod or something? Or is this simply a conjecture on your part, to pad the argument for the lightside?


You could replace the 'temporary GOD mode' part to 'two second GOD mode'. Both those powers suck up alot of force when you turn them on. I wouldn't even have tried turning them both on at the same time because of that. Then I played a server with force regen set to 0. With unlimited force, you can try out some new things ;) . That's how I found out they don't work together. But full force in Protect and Heal + unlimited force = GOD mode. Unlimited force servers were fun untill I figured that out. Because I then realized why I couldn't kill those few guys who kept winning all the matches.

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"There is no Dark Side. The Force is one. The Force is everything and Everything is the Force. The Force does not take sides. The Force does not even have sides. Light and Dark are no more than nomenclature: words the describe how little we understand" - Vergere

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The only good thing with dark side is speed+rage, but most of you duelers probably don't even know about that yet. Grip is good for ffas w/pits other than that the dark side sucks. Absorb is great you can use it to fend off pulls, grips ect, and this is something I don't think most you n00bs know absorb charges your force powers up when people attempt to use force on you =0 thus giving you more force to dipose of neutral side powers. Mind trick is ok, but it just turns off every now and then :|

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Bah, Dark can beat Light. Absorb has one major drawback, it drains your force. Any Darksider with decent experience would not spam the hell out of lightning or any power for that matter. They would just stay away. Once absorb runs out, even faster if he uses powers, the darkie has one advantage, he has more mana. (Unless your inexperienced, you would use absorb sparingly.)

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Speed+Rage in ffa matches sucks sweaty goat balls. I've given up on trying to kill anyone with rage on. I just run away, because it's a wasted effort, and 9 out of 10 times they kill me regardless of how many thermal dets I throw, or rounds I pump into them, or saber swings I hit them with. I've found that anyone with Rage on just needs to switch to the saber on, hold down the attack button, and run into everyone they see. Waiting around for Rage to wear off is retarded, because anyone with it on will kill you unless you run away.



Just like the Matrix, the only defense against a Sentinel (Rage) is to run away.



Oh, and you can use this strategy against people who Absorb, but Absorb is a pale shadow compared to Rage. The run away part I mean, but you don't have to go far. Just keep cool, and learn to fight without having to depend on force powers.

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