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Love movies. Huge movie buff. And will someday be a filmmaker hopefully. Here are my top 10 favorite filmmakers counting down:


Close call for list: John Waters


10. Tim Burton


9. Terry Gilliam


8. Sam Raimi


7. Jim Henson


6. M. Night Shyamalan


5. Stanly Kubrick


4. Kevin Smith


3. Christopher Nolan


2. Jann-Pierre Jeunet


and my favorite director of all time is:


1. Tom Tykwer

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Love movies. Huge movie buff. And will someday be a filmmaker hopefully. Here are my top 10 favorite filmmakers counting down:


Close call for list: John Waters


10. Tim Burton


9. Terry Gilliam


8. Sam Raimi


7. Jim Henson


6. M. Night Shyamalan


5. Stanly Kubrick


4. Kevin Smith


3. Christopher Nolan


2. Jann-Pierre Jeunet


and my favorite director of all time is:


1. Tom Tykwer

John Waters and Ed Wood

get special mention.




also no mention of George Lucas

on a Lucas forum (gasp!) :)

what about John Hughes?

and what about famous japenese guy

Fuakawa or something?


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John Hughs? Sure a few good films but he's basically the entire impact on all those crap teen movies we see these days.


George Lucas? I'm not gonna diss him on his company's forum. But he's just another Hollywood guy. Very Speilberg. All money and no creativity. THK 31 was cool though.


I've never heard of Fuakawa


Now tell me your problem with Shyamalan, Nolan, and especially Tykwer. Maybe some don't understand Tykwer, but Nolan? Watch Memento. As for Shyamalan, he is the present Hitch****, and as well very original.


Now I am not judging your opinion, just please explain what you don't like about these directors. I'll get a better understanding.

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