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Battle styles


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Hey, to those of u (like me) who play JK2, do u think the saber vs saver duels and other fights in SWG should be pretty similar to those in jk2?


i think so...i like the wpns/duel system in JK2 so i think that even thought there are 2 different teams making these 2 games, the fighting systems could almost be identicle =)


Vash the Stampede

Qui'lewk Vackinsh

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first of all WELCOME

it's a MMORPG not a FPS Shade so theoreticly combat would play out with the one with better skills winning instead of the one with the best 'twitch' skills.:p


but if you mean the different styles of lightsaber figting which 'should' be usefull in differnt situations... then we don't know because they havn't released much info about jedi related stuff yet

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Yes. It is not a rpg, it will be about as turnbased as all mmorpgs, with a little bit of more actions to choose between (such as wasting one round of fire to throw yourself to the ground etc), so no, it will not play as JK2.


But yes, choosing between stances would be cool, perhaps even having one skill for each? (so one jedi could be quite the fighter in the light stance, but even clumsier than usual in the stong stance)



Let's just say that we'll see.

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i was under the impression that it would be a card system. where youd have a bunch of different cards standing for you different attacks. then, after you pick your card (which if you know what youre doing will be the best for the situation or the best for your particular skill level) youll get to see it executed in the same cinematic fashion you see in the movies. thats the only way i can see having a fair turn base system, that also allows for the cinematic feel to battle.


...or am i wrong? wasnt there a poll on the main site about card system battle?

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No, as far as I know you're right arguile. The card system is what they're using, or were using last time i checked, and it's kind of a half breed between fps and turn based. It's not truly either one....you can still move in combat like an fps, but it's not twitch oriented so it's more like a turn based.....Don't worry though, it won't be like final fantasy's system.

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how would they incorporate **** like that into a huge battle? like if two clans go at war w/eachother & there are a huge lot of pc's fightin @ the same time, would you have to wait to fire 1 shot until evry1 on the field chose a card? that would take 4ever:rolleyes:

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Gah! What is it with "real time turn based" that people don't understand? I'll make some examples. They are not based on any knowledge of the actual SWG system, but rather, the model that all MMORPGs are based on.


Say that one 'round' is three seconds. Usually, when you run around, talk, barter, and communicate, you wouldn't notice. However, Trained Marksman A has practised fastshooting all her life, while Talented Slicer B is good at hacking computers, but don't know the right end of a gun. So say that A can do two actions in a round, while B has to spend two rounds to perform an action.


Two Player Example


Battle commences. Immediately, both players shoot. However, A can, in the time it takes for B to fire again, fire at her leisure. So in second 1, both shoot, in second 2, A shoots, in second 3, none shoots, and in second 4, A shoots, and B is still reloading. She'll only fire every 6 seconds. Player A might even have thrown in one special move, say "critical shot at the head"(if one such skill will exist), that would take two actions but do more damage.


Then, in second one, both fire their default shots. Then, it would take until second four until anything else happens, but then, player A gets a critical shot.


Three player Example


Really complicated is if a third party enters. Hell, player C could enter the fight half a second after player B. Then, her round is also one half a second later. Lets give player C one action per round.


Second one: Player A and B fires. Half a second later, player C. Second two: Player A fires. Second three: nothing happens. Second four: Player A fires. Half a second later, player C.


So every 3 seconds, player A gets two attacks, player B gets ½ attack (since she'll be offenseless the next turn), and player C gets one. Same thing happens if 345 people fight.


This. Happens. Simultaneously.


You. Do. Not. Wait. For. Your. Opponent.


Think of it as this: You run around and shoot and fight, just as in a FPS, but your characters skills decides how often you can shoot, how much damage you can take and how likely you are to hit.


If player B make no reaction when player A shoots at her, she'll stand there until she is dead. There's no pausing, there's no standing around in the middle of a hectic battlefield, thinking over your strategical positions. This is what it has in common with FPS: at some times, MMORPGs can be very hectic. Especially at large battles. Basically, any action involving more than four-five people.


So yes, reflexes are important, but rather fast thinking than fast clicking. Your character skills are important, player A should easily mow down player B. But then, if player B has better weaponry, armour, range or skills, it is more even. And it doesn't matter on a big battlefield if you are the deadliest bountyhunter in the galaxy: if you do not fight remotely strategically, a bunch of newbies who knows how to fight as a team will bring you down easily.


EDIT: oops, that my second rant this week. I am approaching the Dark Side! Noooooo!

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Originally posted by <|WoV|>Shade

Hey, to those of u (like me) who play JK2, do u think the saber vs saver duels and other fights in SWG should be pretty similar to those in jk2?


i think so...i like the wpns/duel system in JK2 so i think that even thought there are 2 different teams making these 2 games, the fighting systems could almost be identicle =)


Vash the Stampede

Qui'lewk Vackinsh


No, I don't personallly.


Now hear me out before you go ballistic. You see at first I was

saddened that swg woudln't have fighting system as jk2

but now that I look at it, they are animating all new saber

moves and you can do certain special maneuvers like dodging

and flipping and etc and trust me, when you see it, it will either

be a hit or miss. The fighting stystem will either be bad or great is what I mean.



If its like KOTOR which they say it might be, well then trust me

it will give you a good cinematic feel.

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What I basically wanted to say is that yes, there is turns in the figurative meaning that you do not shoot as often as you can click the mouse. But also you will not really notice that there are turns. You really have to play a MMORPG for a while to realize how this work.


And well, darth maul, I would not say that the system will either be a hit or a miss: I would say that wou will either hate it or love it. There are few genres that has as devoted followers as MMORPGs, and as many haters. It's one of those 'love it or leave it' things in life.


Over and out.

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O no D@arth i wont go ballistic :)

I was just saying that i liked the fighting system in JK2 and that i MIGHT b kinda kool to c it expanded a bit.


The new saber manuevers and scinematics will kick @$$!!!


O and ah any of u made the beta the other day? well if ya did...GL and we wanna hear all about the break in!!!

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i do think it would be fairly good, but they'd have to make almost like a boundry when you had your saber out, otherwise you could run around with it just killing things and busting stuff up :p. If they made it exactly like jkii that is.


Which I doubt they would. I hope they don't use cards, but make it possibly like WOW's system, with more complexity.


and shade for ur sig, doesn't C-3P0 say that to r2 when he's playing chewy that chess like game.

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Ah, yes thank you...

I must of hit my head more than i thought =D j/k


I will change it now.


Exactly, Dek, WOW's system will be nice too, and i hope the card thingy in SWG gets changed a bit...even tho the scinematics for the coreograhpy for the battles will be kickin!!!

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