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My Dreams Have Come True!!!!


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garry m gaber

If all 800 battle droids are on screen at one time, darthfergie (8/25), yes it could slow down the engine a little. The Flying Whale is the Gungan's Air Transport (it's actually called a Gungan flyer). We have decided to include the TIE Defender with the scenario editor, and it's a cool unit.





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*Watches as Fergies head swells to an enormous size* He said he'd consider having capital ships in GB :)

You know what I was thinking that having all these fighters in the editor doesn't look to good for them making it to the expansion then :(

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Cool, Tie defender... And for the x-pack I'd rather 2 or 3 civs than capitol ships.


But, hey Fergie: I have a better idea for the x-pack... Mon Cal and capitol ships... just perfect, everyone happy (BTW, Mon Cal would have very strong Capitol Ships and good navy (they could match the gungans in this field) But they'd have weak troops, weak jedi, and above average fighters. Hero: Admiral Ackbar

Campaign: Before joining the Alliance.

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So what he read the thread and he said He wouldn't comment on FUTURE products I really hope they make it another game, but if they make it Eps. I and II stuff I'm going to go insane. Because that title REALLY diserves to be trilogy.


BTW, Compa I wouldn't mind new civs so don't get me wrong, but the Capitol Ship thing was just in case THEY didn't want to add more civs because remember in Conquerer they ONLY had 4 art sets in this game alone they have 6.

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Originally posted by darthfergie

So what he read the thread and he said He wouldn't comment on FUTURE products I really hope they make it another game, but if they make it Eps. I and II stuff I'm going to go insane. Because that title REALLY diserves to be trilogy.

Why? I'm looking forward to Epi.2 games, especially made by Ensamble!

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Originally posted by Kvan

Why? I'm looking forward to Epi.2 games, especially made by Ensamble!


The tech stinks the ships we know SQUAT about. I don't want them to waste a perfectly good game on ONLY eps. I and II stuff. I think most of you here liked the trilogy movies better than Eps. I and the best thing about Eps I was the Jedi Battles:mad:

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You guys are missing the point. In saying that, he all but confirmed an X-pac. Although i doubt they will include Capitol ships, it implies he is expecting an X-pac.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

You guys are missing the point. In saying that, he all but confirmed an X-pac. Although i doubt they will include Capitol ships, it implies he is expecting an X-pac.


I figured that out a long time ago...(i.e.-CHAT way back when)

What can you say the game DOES need more civs.:D

I was just adding something they weren't expecting into the pot or maybe more unique...

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Guest Gamma732

Ok guys, am I the only one that noticed that "expansion packS" is in plural? I'm loving the sound of that!! :)


And thanks to Mr. Gaber for including the T/D in the editor!!!

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