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Back I am


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I'm back from Seattle, here, for your enjoyment is a day by day description of what I did:


Tuesday: 3 hour flight from Phoenix, got Cheez-its and Peanuts on the plane.. Went to Aunt and Uncle's house (Which is technically in Edmonds, Washington but whatever) Got tour of house and neighborhood, went to bed


Wednesday: Cousin who we shall call "Rachael" (Because thats her name) left for mission trip to Dominican Republic. Went to the Boeing Factory I garnered 2 points from the tour of the factory


1. Boeing makes planes

2. Damn good ones too


Later in the day I went to a Mariners game, now to all you guys who have fetishes of Japaneese Schoolgirls screaming in unison (You know who you are) you should go to a Mariners game. I bought a foamy hand thing, awesomeness


Thursday: I finally get some internet access.. Went to another Boeing Museum (Same theme: Boeing makes damn good planes!) Slow day


Friday: Went to the EXPERIENCE MUSIC PROJECT! This place was F'ing AWESOME.. I learned how to play "Louie Louie" on the gitar. Spent HOURS there


Saturday: I really do NOT remember what I did this day.. I think I went to a batting cage and did horribly..


Sunday: Got out of going to church (go me) Played some Red Alert 2 at house.. Went to friends of relatives... nice people.


Monday: Layed low.. Not much here


Tuesday: Went to the SPACE NEEDLE and went on a ride called the PUKE O WHIRL (not actual name)


Wednesday: See Tuesday but in opposite order

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Originally posted by Clefo

Wednesday: See Tuesday but in opposite order


If you mean the first Tuesday...you had quite a wierd day...first you go to bed, then you take a tour of the house and neighborhood, the you go to your Aunt and Uncle's house, then you get Cheez-its (mmmmmmmmm) and Peanuts on the plane and finally you took a 3 hour flight from Phoenix...


Sorry just had to say that...


Man, I wanna go to the space needle! Did you actually eat at the restaraunt, or just look down for a while and go back to the ground?


WHOA, I know this is totally off-topic, but I just happened to glace at the smileys list and noticed there are 400 smileys! That's a lot...too bad I can only use the ones on the primary list (full list freezes PC)

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