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Modelling Forum Moderator Nominations


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There have been concerns raised recently about some moderating decisions that have been made in the past. A lot of this may be solved by adding one or two more Moderators. This will help by having more than one point of view at the moderator level, as well as lighten the load on KMan, our only active moderator. Whether LucasForums/JediKnightII.net will accept any of these nomations or not is unknown, but it's worth a try. My suggestion is that we post the names of people you feel would make a good moderator and why. After a while, we can take these nominations and begin an election to decide who would be best, or ask the Administrators to choose from the nominations. Ideally, we should have 3 active moderators. Having only 1 means the work is not spread, and all decisions are unilateral. Having only 2 means conflict could arise when they disagree on something. That could be answered by involving Administrators, but they may be too busy to break ties.


Please post the Username of the person you wish to nominate, and the reason you feel they would make a good moderator. If you would like to agree with a previous nomination, feel free. You may add additional reasons if you agree with someone else's nominations. Please do not nominate yourself. I think most people would agree that someone who nominates themselves might not have the right kind of attitude for the position.

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You mean, like a democracy? No more Emporer Kman?


Sorry, I couldn't resist.


Personally, I think Kman's doing okay. Outstanding? Umm, probably not. Good enough not to be impeached ... yeah probably. Personally, I can't figure out why this has become such a problem lately. I try not to post in these type of threads much .. well, actually I try to refrain from posting period, because whatever you say just incites more unrest. (yes, I'm kicking myself for it as we speak so I'd prefer not to hear anything about hipocrisy) But you all have to think. What was it like before Kman showed up and began editing/deleting/closing posts? Everyone was complaing about threads being off topic, or individual posts being off topic, and everything else that people could complain about. People actually were ASKING for a moderator to come in here and close/edit all of the fluffy/redundant threads. So, the forum got their wish (well, the people who bothered to complain) and we now have an active moderator who tries to do nothing more than make the forum easier to read. That is, above all else, his (non-paying and thankless) job.


I don't care if Kman stays or goes. It doesn't matter to me because I log into this forum to talk about modelling players for a game, not to engage in some stupid polularity contest.


There's one thing you can be sure of though. If anybody wants to nominate anybody to moderate this forum, don't choose me. Kman can't please everybody and neither could I ... the difference is, I couldn't even begin to have the patience to try. Well, not here anyway.


Oh yeah ... Kman, I know this is off-topic, so you can feel free to delete my reply if you want to (preferably with one of your trademark smart@ss remarks :)) and I won't even bother starting 5 new threads about how you deleted one of my posts!

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Yes, how bout me, Kinja the Horrible guy who gets no respect. I mean I think I should get it because I'm the guy who did Yoda and Yoda got the most downloads. And also I'm cooler than all of you, and I'm better looking and get all the chicks. Plus, I was born rich and I drive a Ferrari, and Kman likes me better than Plo Koon and together me and Kman could reighn supreme over you all. We would close all posts before they even get 1 reply, well exept for 1 nice little smart@$$ remark first. Of which you all deserve cause you are all a bunch of uber nerds who talk about Star Wars all day. I mean how pathetic. Star Wars doesn't even have a T.V. show like Star Trek. LOL, I bet half of you probably thought I was being serious, and the other half will probably still think I was serious, even after I'm telling you now that I was only KIDDING! But seriously, NO WAY, not me, I'm far to busy. Thanks for the nomination though.

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Kinja, yer goin the right way for a bum-kickin! heheheh :D Ok, so Kinja has declined, no one else attempt to nominate him :) If you are nominated and don't wish the position, let us know in this thread :) Keep the nominations coming! Hopefully these nominations won't be useless, though we still need approval from the Administrators/JKII.net staff for this to work.

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kman should certainly stay. Not that we have any say in that matter, anyways...


You had it coming, BradFu! I nominate you!


Your typing style shows some eloquence, very good grammar, capitalization, and spelling, excellent intelligence, and your posts are well-thought-out and level-headed with no exception. These two traits are both extremely important for a moderator, as well as a third which you also show - hanging around the forums a lot and getting involved when the community shows signs of a struggle (and more importantly, trying to find a solution!).


You had better be accepting nominations.


I would like to take the time in the end of my message to say that I have 5 years experience as moderator and administrator of forums for top-level gaming domains, and I wouldn't mind some more.


Not that I'd nominate myself, but I've been doing this since the heyday of WWWBoard...

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I think it would be a good idea to add 1 or 2 moderators to this forum to aid KMan in his duties.


Kinja and BradFu can get the job if it's up to me. They both know their JK2 modelling stuff and are active posters.


2 things if you get the job....


- delete all 'bump" posts (automatically or manually)

- create a sticky tread with all the links to tool and tutorials that get posted

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Once you all have decided whom you want as the moderator, have that person send a PM to Roger that they want to be a moderator, and that I have 'ok'ed it as well. Not sure if that would be needed, but it would let him know that it's not someone trying to replace me.

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Well, Mr. BradFu, I think you know the outcome of this particular thread - however, I would think you'd need more than just one.


Why don't -you- nominate somebody? I'm trying to think of someone else who's involved but not doing a lot of work with models. Not having any luck.

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