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Custom classes are possible

Lord Ignasius

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Ive done it again! I have cracked custom classes with the help of Mike Gummelt. Here is the e-mail


think I can help you get this working, send me the NPC entry for your Yoda and I can tell you what you need to do.



Michael Chang Gummelt


Gameplay Programmer: Jedi Knight II


Raven Software




-----Original Message-----

From: Christopher Harris [mailto:chris_harris@attbi.com]

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 8:25 PM

To: Gummelt, Mike

Subject: Hello. I have a couple of questions??



I have been able to create a psuedo new class! I mean I with the hilt! I name the folder something like saber_jediyoda, and change yoda's class to jediyoda, but he doesn't ignite his saber, but unlike other class problems I had he holds it to his side, whereas when you enter a wrong class name, the saber was always held in the ready position like it was ignited. I haqve been toiling hard at trying files to work( like .class file) these don't work. Is there a way to set-up your class to use built-in ai from another class? If this is all confusing e-mail me back and I will clarify it better! I am just in hurry! Thx!

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I hate to break it to you kiddo, but that's not new news, and you probably won't be getting anything helpful in a reply since he already told us classes were hard coded and we can't change them. He said it was one of the things he wanted to have externalized to text files but had no time.


Hopefully I'm wrong.

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here you go;


you've got to hex edit your gamex dll and replace the npcs.cfg name for the sp npc you wish to edit with the name of the custom npc you wich to replace it with; do not alter the NPC reference name or the class name; best not surpass the available name hex space.


I hereby claim this 'discovery' into all eternity (if not already taken, lol), taking into consideration that you may not include custom gamex dll's and such in mods and the available hex name space probabely make this pretty useless in the end.


hope this was of help.

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Actually did you read what he said. He said he will tell me what to do. which means there is a way, nimrods. I wouldn't have posted because I saw other threads on this that went nowhere but he said he can tell me with the file I sent him. Obviously there is a way. Emon and Chrono did either of you e-mail Mike about this specific question?


Becuase my response is very great, and please dont diss me. I am just trying to help the community. I admit I made mistakes in the past, but I admited my wrongdoings and said sorry numerous times, which many people dont, so I demand respect for the aspects of sp editing I have caused to come to reality, the main one being the .npc file and the st-, jedi-, etc. prefixs that I revealed after communicating with Mike. Before all of this people believed new npc's to be unthinkable, one of them being Emon, stating clearly that he wished Jo was like JK in respect to cog's and being able to add npc's. Now we can do new npc's so now I am challenging the inability to create custom classes or semi-custom classes, so please be helpful. I for one like to help improve the community, so please try to help with encouragment, and not discouragment.


Think of this, What happened if every person that challenged something was pushed away, How would we grow as community, Just think about it and try to change your pessimistic attitudes which almost everyone on this forum, except for newbies seem to have.


That's my 2 cents!

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you, are an idiot. do you know why? because Emon didn't NEED to e-mail chang to figure it out. It popped up in one of our threads while we were trying to figure out new classes.


We're not saying we don't applaud your enthusiasm, we're just sick of you trying to pass these ideas off as your own.

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When did I ever say that I made the idea, in all entirety(sp?) I am just getting the info from Mike. and if it works, Ill be the first to say Told you so. So dont discourage before you know the facts. I saw your thread and I am now working on it after looking at what you had done. I had never said Me, Lord Ignasius, Discovered the way for new classes, If you read you see that I am saying that Mike is the reason we have new classes, when In all, he is the reason we have anything. Without the game would there be this. It might just be me, but I dont understand how being pessimistic is possible, when the positive things are better to think about.


So please quit saying I take Ideas. All I do is relay the information to the masses, sort of a messenger, I give credit whenever someone asks me to, but this is not yours, or emons, it is Mike's idea. And what about the new custom npc. Did that ever cross your mind before I went public about the findings I had made with the help of Mike. Nope. So please get a life, and dont be pessimistic. I dont even think you read my whole post. Next time read it all, then you have the right to reply insulting me.

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1. I already e-mailed Chang on the subject, he replied and told me that it's impossible.


2. I think it's rather stupid to go "HEY LOOK OMG I FIGURED OUT HOW TO MAKE NEW CLASSES ALL HAIL ME!!!" when you have no idea if it will even work yet.

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but this is not yours, or emons, it is Mike's idea.


Actually, emon stumbled upon this waaaay back. This is the first I've heard chang mention of it, since this was a thread that Emon and myself were involved in. Emon discovered that if you name the class the same name as your model and make your model name saber_(MODEL) then you will have custom saber, with no attacks or ignition.


Whatever kid, I'm through arguing. You blatently said "I HAVE UNLOCKED IT" and tried to pass it off as your own idea. Get a damn clue.

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