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Well guys, its been fun...


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Well, guys its been fun and really nice meeting you all, and working with some of you, but after some hard decision making, I have decided to move on. This has nuthin to do with anyone here or any of the crap or spam or anything about these forums. None of that stuff ever bothered me. And Raven, don't know if your listening or not, but I just want to say this for good measure. Anyway, I love JK2, and I want to thank you for making the best Star Wars game ever. Can't wait till the next one! But its just bad timing I guess, cause theres an engine out there that is just too good to pass up for mod making. I expect to hear that you guys our probably going to use either it or the Doom III engine on your next game. Anyway, this only means that the mod I'm going to do has even more potential. Anyways, nothing personel against your game, its just why make a mod on such a dated engine, when one of the best engines ever will soon be available. Well, solong compadres, I hope to see some of you again.



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Well, I'm glad it wasn't negative stuff driving you away. Definitely understandable wanting to model for the best engine available :) Either way, sorry to see you go, we'll definitely miss you. You'll always be a legend for bringing Yoda into JKII :)


(PS - What is this nameless engine you refer to? [i'm not a really big gamer, don't know much about other stuff out there])

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When I see a good mod within the first few weeks of Doom III and UT2k3, then I will say "sad to see you go", otherwise I wish you good luck.


On another note, I would like to say that the SW Modding community itself is going to go downhill unless they allow SP Modding or animation editing. Look at Max Payne. They made some kick-ass mods on that, and it was all because of animations and new models (read: new weapons) that you could ADD to the game.


Raven, I hope you are reading this, and I certainly hope you take this advice to heart: this game is going to die out soon if you don't allow more precise editing.

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It seems as if this community is starting to wither and stagnate... If we're not given the ability to further our, dare I say, "tweaking" of this game, then the tombstone will finally rise... We can only spit out saber hilts and models for so long before we run out of ideas and grow cold and indifferent and even *gasp* bored....





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You have been an excellent addition to the JK2 community. I'm glad you were able to share your work with us and further teach beginning modellers the ropes. I hope to follow in your footsteps and finish my models and make them as detailed as possible. Once again, thank you for gracing this community with your presence. It's been an honor.

- Wolf

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Good Luck, Kinja. Have a nice life and thanks for the Yoda model. :)


I agree Chrono and GabrielXen, there are only so many saber hilts we can have. There have been a few good MP mods, such as Hydroball, JediMod, Instaglib and the latest, Tennis (see massassi.net), but there has been nothing modwise for SP that's worth mentioning. It's cutting out half of the game and thus half the creativity. MP can only go so far and without full access to editing tools, I think the game will be dead within 6 months.

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Man, thanks guys for understanding! I really expected to get some hate mail or something. But seriously, I really Loved this game alot, and the community. But even though I had this kick butt game designed around this game, It just seemed like it was going to be way too much trouble then it was worth, especially since the game would probably get overshadowed by the new Unreal2 tech and Doom Technology. I mean, I guess its just a little too late to start a Total Conversion Mod on the dated engine when somthing so powerfull is just around the corner. So yes, its the new Unreal engine that I'm interested in. But not only because its the new tech. but also because the way people are talking, its going to have the easiest learning curve of any modding tools ever and the support is suppossed to be great too. Anyway, I will miss you all, but hope to see you all again. May the Force be with you.... Always...

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sad to see you leaving this community

I hope you find what you search for with the new unreal engine, but i doubt that i will resist it's attractivity too



but to make some hopes


isnt Raven developing an addon about tavion for JKO?

If they do, they will definitely don't have much time until the release of this addon and there is a chance raven and lucasarts will care more about us after its release.

Just have patience and see what you can do alone with SP scripting, its a lot, only thing that delayed more ambitions within scripting is the fact, that almost no tutorials are available. There is a need for some burners, that explore into scripting.

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i can understand why you want to switch to a better engine, but this is a star wars game with massively kick ass lightsaber action. if you want nothing to do with star wars then sure, go to a new engine and mod off of it, but if you want to mod star wars stuff we should stick here and bitch some more till we get help for what we need to increase this games potential and longevity, ie SP code.

loved your work, hate to see ya go.

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Thing is, I love Star Wars and attribute it as being my number 1 inspiration since I was a kid. But I'm not going too become the next lucas by using his ideas. I want to create my own worlds, hopefully for all of you too enjoy.

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Good work dude. I would guess you going onto the unreal engine also. I've heard the thing kicks major rectum. You a damn good modeler though. As for JK editing. I agree that animations would help the communtiy a lot. Look how long the JKO scene lasted. Just that documentation on this game seems to be sparse at best. I dunno maybe its just me. Anyways, good look Kinja.

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I can't blame u for leaving, the temptation of those new engines is to much.


All i can say Kinja is i hope you can bring as much to the next game as you have to JK2.


This is not the first time that new games have taken away interest cos it happened to my beloved Max Payne HQ . True the new animations from things such as Matrix Reality and Kung Fu have helped, but day by day the MPHQ community is dieing.


I think that the fact that so many people on these forums only want star wars related stuff is wrong and new ideas are needed that get away from the star wars scene. This is the reason why Tex 360 is not coming back to these forums and i know others aswell who have abandoned these forums cos of this.

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Kiss, my ass Crosis. I'm not looking for sympathy. Why would I be looking for sympathy when I have found a path that I feel will be better for me? And ya, I'm a little sentimental about leaving believe it or not. But its not an all bad deal for me. Anyway, I'm just saying goodbye to a few friends and evedently you aren't one of them so keep it to yourself you little judgemental jerk. You think you know me? Ha, get a life.

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But ya, the thing is, is that this isn't just the latest game but this is technology that is a huge step into the next generation and I predict it will have a long life with its mod community, just like Half-Life:)

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