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Questions on ROQ files...


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Hi all,


I have a couple of quick questions about ROQ files:


Firstly, they're the VIDEO in the game aren't they? as opposed to ENGINE cut-scenes.


Secondly, assuming they're video, i assume that you first make your scene in, say, 3DS Max, export it, and then make an ROQ file out of it. How do you then get the game to run one, before the first level (i.e. opening crawl), and in between levels (video cut-scenes)?


And lastly, i assume in-engine cut-scenes are actually miniature maps with different camera angles...i seem to recall someone posting a link to a EF tutorial on this a while back...it'd be useful to know as i'm doing a full SP package for a university project.


Cheers ppl!

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There is a textfile with the roq.exe called "ROQ Files.doc" read it... (chap 3.2 for SOUND)


It is possible to make tga export with 3D Max - I´m testing this right now for the DF project.

I made 460 frames (video is always 30 fps) and the pics needed about 300 MB hd-space. Compiling time took awful long (some hours with 1.8 GHz, 768 MB Ram). But at the end I had a beautiful 7 MB .roq file :D



to run the video (e.g. replacing the raven start logo):

rename the .roq to "openinglogos.roq" and put it in a .pk3 file in your base directory.



(within the pk3: /video/openinglogos)


I´m curious if anyone else is making cutscenes for JO...



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I'm making a cutscene for our ROTJ mod w/ the scrolling text from ROTJ. On my first run through, I ended up w/ a 22 MB file, which is unacceptably too large, and it doesn't even have the sound working correctly :(.


I am still baffled how Raven made their .roq (jk0101_sw.roq in assets0.pk3) sooooo small (about 1.5 MB). I am not sure how they got it to use cinematic_1.mp3 w/out embedding it into the .roq either :-/. I wish they had better documentation out there, lol.


Also, their video is transparent. If I name my file jk0101_sw.roq, it doesn't replace the Raven one, it shows up underneath it! Crazy stuff...


Anyone know how they did this?


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