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WIP: Adi Gallia Sabre Hilt

Master Shawn

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great hilt yet again. Ever since you learned how to make better skins you have been whipping out some pretty good hilts, NOW I HAVE TO FIGURE THAT OUT!!:p


Anyway, you probly already answered this question but, where do you pick up a copy of that program you used for your shiney skins cause i REALLY need to know how to make my metal on my saber shiney.


Oh and definetly release this one too. You should probly just release a saber Hilt pack to Jedi Knightii.net or Jk2files. I know they will accept these.

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I got the program off of Kazaa, if you search for Fireworks you should come up with something. I will also be releasing Aalya Secura's saber soon also, its basically the exact same thing except without the very top of the sabre. After I release the Aalya one I will make a hilt pack, then I will start on a new sabre of my own design.

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Its quite easy, you can use designs and patterns when you fill a blank image. First, make an image, by going File>New, any size will do, but farely medium size is better(200x200 or 400x400), choose a transparent background. Now lets get to the metal making. There is a panel to the right that is titled Effects, under that there is a tab called Fill, under that there ius a drop down menu, you can choose multiple things for filling your image. The two that I use to make metal are Linear and Bars, Bars is a good starter. There is a dropdown menu for what colors you want to use, under there there is also silver, choose that. Then choose a pattern, I usually use Grass or Grain, and a box with percents will go next to it, you want that to be lower than 50% on most occasions, 10%-25% is usually good. Now, you need to make a new bitmap image to paint on, go to the panel that says Layers, on the bottom of it there is a white button just to the left of the trash can, hit that, then, go to your tools panel, and select the fill(paint can) then go to your image, and fill it. Now, you will see your metal, if you want to change its colors or how shiny it is, in the Effects panel, next to the color scheme for the fill you selected(Silver) hit the Edit button, then, click one of the color tabs, there is an arrow button on the very upper right corner of the color change window, hit it, it brings up a menu for what colors you want to use, for metal, the best stuff is usually Grayscale, select that. Now, you have many colors to choose from to make the metal look how you want it, to make it shiny, add lighter colors into the mix. You will see how the fill will look by a small preview window on the bottom. Now,if you want to make any other metal(gold, bronze) you simply go back to that arrow, and select Windows OS colors, then you can select the colors you need to make the gold or bronze metal. Once you get the hang of it the possibilities are endless. :) hope that helps, if not, you can gime a call at shawn21_logic@hotmail.com :D

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I believe you are referring to the covertec clip, below that there is a big groove, I just didnt move the model up in the viewer enough to see it, but trust me, its there. I will make the gold part more detailed, I tried before but it didnt show up very well, ill try again.

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what modeling program r u using ? I only ask this because i see your VERY good at writing tutorials ( like the one you just typed) and you would help hundreds of newbie modelers out if you made a tutorial on making a saber hilt with whatever program your using.


Its just a thought though;)

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yeah i use G-Max too. but i would love to use 3d Studio Max 4 but i dont have $3000 to flush down some corporation's pocket:p


I just asked because i am having real trouble on the skin part. I can Find Fireworks anywhere. I dont have Kazaa but i have Morphious but When i try to download fireworks it says that i need more hosts. Damn morphous:mad:


Anyway, keep up the grea work, we need more modelers like you sinse some like Kinja are gone.

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Thnx, I plan on making more sabre hilts, after I release Aalya's im going to make a custom one, then make a few from the OT, then maybe make some map models. Maybe eventually leading up to a model from Monty Python and the Holy Grail(my FAV movie), perhaps the "invincible" Black Knight.:D

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wow, thats quite a futcure you r gonna have in this community :p


I entirly understand that you cant make a tutorial. You have alot on your plate as it is and it was only a suggestion. So its not that you WONT its that you CANT.


Good luck and may the force be with you.

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looks really good BUT, The texture still needs some work. I would like to see you do more with the buttons and the bottom. You can do more with the saft, Try addind in some blotches to show some dirt. It looks far to clean and simple. so that's pretty much it,It has a good start, but with 10 good solid mintues it could be GREAT.

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Musashi , what program are u using for skins. If your using Photoshop, could you tell me How to create a shiney metal effect on the shaft of a saber. Shawn gave me an excellent one but that was for Fireworks 4 and i dont have that.


You dont have to tell me, but it would help me alot.

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I am not quite a pro at photoshop yet, I have done very little texture work for games, but i have done a lot of texture work in 3d studio max. Usually the textures in max deal with working with parts, But the tutorial I provided above should give you a nice looking metal. You can genreally find a good slew of tutorials by doing a search on google. for example I did a search on


"photoshop" realistic metal



and got tons of hits

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