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<Wolf Whistle> Aunt Beru skin finally here!


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What? You haven't been waiting for an Aunt Beru skin?


Well too bad, I made one anyway.




It's the first one I've finished (I also have a Slave Leia in progress);



So now I just got to make team colours, and figure out bot support and getting the thing in-game.


jp-30 :c3po:

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I'd mess with the head a little more on the Beru skin. Right now it looks like Mon Mothma dyed her hair and changed into a different outfit. The face looks good, but try messing with the hair direction and color a bit. Beru's hair is much lighter and has less green in it, and it's more "droopy" in the front. Also don't be afraid to manipulate the model's shape through skinning. Lighten the parts of the hair that are supposed to stand out the most on Beru Lars. It won't look exactly like it should, but in a passing glance during a game it will give the impression that the shape of the head is as it should be.

Otherwise the quality of the skin itself is awsome. I only wish more people like you would come here to share their work and liven this place up.

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Originally posted by jp-30

What? You haven't been waiting for an Aunt Beru skin?


Well too bad, I made one anyway.



jp-30 :c3po:

don't you know "the rules" for making female skins/models in games?

They must be young, pretty and preferably nude (but wearing boots and all non surfable objects)


be gone with your old lady skin

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